Chapter 407: Gather before departure

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Wan Xiangxiang decided to go first to see what the spaceship that would carry them through the Death Star Sea looked like. He greeted Di Yao, and someone took him to see the spaceship.

There is a large mark painted on the surface of the spaceship, which is exactly what Emperor Yao's holy level superpowers call the passage mark. With this mark, they will not be hostile to the Thousand Birds Star Territory.

Wan Xiangxiang nodded and said nothing after listening to the man's introduction, but he had other concerns in his heart.

He made several changes to this spaceship and corrected all the unreasonable things!

The few people who built the spaceship were working nearby and didn't dare to have any objections.

There are some special materials added to this spaceship. These materials were given by the people from the Chidori Star Region. Only a spacecraft made of this kind of material can safely pass through the Sea of ​​Death Shattered Stars.

Materials are transmitted through transmission channels, which is the same as interstellar express delivery.

With the materials in hand, he confidently modified the spacecraft from beginning to end.

Wan Xiangxiang's main purpose was to modify the structure of the spacecraft to be more stable and solid. After all, he had never seen the situation in the Dead Star Sea Channel, so he could not modify it according to the actual situation, but it was always right to modify it to be more solid.

When Wan Xiangxiang went to Wanjia after a few days of busy work, Wan Li had been promoted to a saint-level superpower. Also, Wan Xiangxiang had given him so many resources, even a pig should advance!

Wanli originally wanted to give the remaining unused resources to Wan Xiangxiang, but Wan Xiangxiang was of no use if he wanted these things, so he asked him to hand them over to other members of the family.

Wanli gave the remaining things to his father and asked him to distribute them. In the end, these resources went into the hands of some level 12 superpowers who were over 300 years old. These people had already exceeded their age and could only They can continue to spend their lives in this star field, so they are the guardians of Wanjia's future.

Gao Qi's side has also allocated resources, but the Gao family's situation is more complicated.

When he received the resources sent to him by Wan Xiangxiang, Gao Qi was actually struggling inside.

The situation of the Gao family is not as clear as that of the Wan family. The Gao family only has one saint-level superpower, and he is still recovering from his injuries.

The internal situation is also very bad. When they learned that the Gao family's saint-level superpowers were in bad shape, many families wanted to take advantage of the Gao family. Today, the Gao family is under attack from both sides.

It would be detrimental to the Gao family for him to leave Emperor Star at this moment.

His combat prowess is not bad, not inferior to those who are unable to use their abilities. This is why although those people have the Gao family's intention, they have not fully reached out yet.

If he really leaves with Wan Xiangxiang and the others, those families who covet the Gao family will never give up.

He hesitated for a day, and it was only on the second day after receiving the resources that he decided to make a breakthrough in retreat.

After the breakthrough, he began to plan the family's follow-up affairs.

They urgently needed saint-level superpowers that could intimidate other families, so after discussing with Wan Xiangxiang, his remaining resources were distributed to several elders in the family.

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