Chapter 453 The disappeared stall owner

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Wan Xiangxiang's spiritual power protected Kong Chen, and Kong Jianan's momentum could not affect him at all.

Kong Jianan's eyes turned to Wan Xiangxiang.

Wan Xiangxiang smiled and said, "Don't worry about the discipline issue. Kong Chen still has his master here, so no matter what, it won't be your turn."

Kong Jian'an also noticed Wan Xiangxiang. He didn't take him seriously just now, but the other party withstood his power in one glance. He must have great strength!

Kong Jian'an had just used eight points of power, and he was mainly heading towards Kong Chen, but he didn't want to be dismissed easily like this: "Are you Kong Chen's master? As a member of the Kong family, I have never heard of this What kind of master does Kong Chen have? Originally, he just captured Kong Chen as a scapegoat, but he understood very well. Kong Feizhi wanted to capture Kong Chen some time ago, but unfortunately failed. If he could bring Kong Chen back, he would be able to give Kong Feizhi gave an explanation.

As for whether Kong Chen is the murderer? Who cares? Even if Kong Bin is really a qualified grandson to Kong Feizhi, Kong Bin is definitely not as important as Kong Feizhi's status.

If Kong Chen had such a powerful master, then he would have to consider whether he could catch Kong Chen from his hands!

"I'm not his master." Wan Xiangxiang shook his head and pointed at Mu Qing, "He is the master."

Kong Jian'an glanced at Mu Qing. It was obvious that Mu Qing was just a fifth-level elementalist. If that was all he could do, then he could give it a try.

However, it was only then that Kong Jianan discovered that the person who blocked his attack just now was actually a fifth-level elemental master! If this is the case, then Master Kong Chen's strength is open to question!

It cannot be ruled out that these people like to hide their strength!

"So what if you are the master? When it comes to matters related to the Kong family, you are just outsiders." Kong Jian'an argued with reason.

The hotel manager was satisfied with Kong Jian'an's statement. If this matter was attributed to the Kong family's family affairs, then their hotel would not be responsible.

He personally prefers this statement.

Apparently Kong Jianan also grasped this point.

Wan Xiangxiang laughed and said: "You are funny. Instead of looking for the real murderer, you are here to embarrass the Kong family. They say that Kong Chen is the murderer. Just bring out the evidence. If there is no evidence, please forgive us." I won’t accompany you!”

Kong Jian'an said: "We must stay Kong Chen. When the time comes, he will naturally be handed over to the head of the family for personal interrogation. Whether he is the murderer or not will naturally lead to results!"

Wan Xiangxiang stopped trying to reason with him. He stood forward and said directly: "Kong Chen's people are standing here. If you have the ability, take them away! If you can take people away from under my nose, I will count you." lean."

Seeing the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two, the hotel manager suddenly felt bad. He stepped forward to smooth things over and said, "You two, please calm down. This store is small. If you two want to compare notes, please go outside."

How much damage would their hotel suffer from this fight! Naturally, we can't let people fight here. Kong Jian'an could only put his thoughts aside for the time being and start studying Kong Bin's affairs again.

Several people searched the entire room, but no one saw the green material stone.

Wan Xiangxiang suggested: "Just go to the boss who bought the material stone yesterday and ask about the situation."

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