Chapter 426 Light Gathering Fruit

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Wan Xiangxiang held the fruit and looked at it carefully.

"Can this be eaten?" Wan Xiangxiang gestured to bite.

Mu Qing stopped him and said, "This is used as a light-concentrating ball! Why are you eating it?"

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the fruit in his hand. It was indeed similar to an edible fruit: "Can this thing be used as a light collecting ball?" He said and took out a light collecting ball with different sizes, shapes, and colors... …

The light collecting ball is larger and white in color.

The light-gathering fruit is smaller in size and light yellow in color.

Mu Qing touched his nose and said, "It should be possible, right?" He hadn't tried it yet, so he wasn't sure.

Wan Xiangxiang walked out holding a light-gathering ball and a light-gathering fruit: "Let's go and try the effect."

A group of plants came up to watch the fun.

After Wan Li saw it, he encouraged Gao Qi and Le Zhangyi to come up.

The other slaves did not dare to cross, so Guan Lingyuan and Xiang Yi followed to watch the excitement.

The land in this area is cultivated, and there is not much in total. In some places, some medicinal plants are planted, and these medicinal plants are spawned to be sold.

Maomao planted a piece of carrot. It hasn't been too long since she planted it. This kind of radish has no attributes. Plants with a single attribute like Maomao can also be planted.

Wanxiang first activated a light-concentrating ball. After being stimulated, the light-concentrating ball emitted bright light, and then rose and floated in the mid-air in the center of the field.

The bright light of the light ball enveloped the entire radish field, and the strong light was filled with heat. Wan Xiangxiang felt a little sweaty under the illumination of this light.

Under the light, the radish seedlings below seemed to be swaying with each breath. After feeling it mentally, I could feel that the cycle of the plants was even faster.

Wan Xiangxiang sighed: "This set of light balls is quite useful."

"That's for sure, why is it so expensive if it's not easy to use!" Mu Qing was very dissatisfied with the price of the light-gathering balli

Wan Xiangxiang came to the field of Mu Mu Zhong again.

What Mumu is growing are earth-type potatoes!

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the fruit in his hand and said, "This thing should be useful."

So I tried to activate this set of light fruits with my spiritual power.

The original yellow appearance of the light-gathering fruit suddenly lit up, turning into a ball of light and rising to the sky above the potato field, as if it had formed a small sun.

Wan Xiangxiang felt the light. It seemed to be much warmer than the light in the previous light-concentrating ball. The circulation of the illuminated plants also accelerated a lot, even faintly exceeding that of the previous one. Light ball effect.

However, these are only superficial conditions after all. The effectiveness of this set of light fruits still needs to be tested and analyzed by the planted plants.

Wanli was a little excited and stepped forward to join in the fun: "Do you still have this kind of light-gathering fruit? Give me one to try the effect, and I will help you test it!"

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