Chapter 555 The Emperor Star is over

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After some discussion, everyone became quiet again, waiting for Wan Xiangxiang's follow-up.

Seeing the silence below, Wan Xiangxiang said, "The method I'm talking about is to change the energy substances we absorb during cultivation. After reaching the level of a saint-level superpower, everyone can feel the sluggishness of the energy they can use. . And if we want to break the shackles of the Saint level, we must change the energy we are absorbing now." 456 Everyone listened carefully, and suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.

Wan Xiangxiang directly stated that the resurgence of spiritual energy would make the superpowers unable to control the field. This matter had an impact on high-level superpowers, but had much less impact on low-level superpowers.

High-level superpowers are like having them but then losing them, which is inevitably a pity. However, those with low-level superpowers have never experienced them at all, and they won't feel pity because of this.

Wan Xiangxiang talked about the pros and cons, and also talked about the training model of another star field, which made these saint-level superpowers ready to move!

The final result is also a collective identity.

Emperor Yao Academy took the lead and announced the matter in the form of news.

[Title - The saint-level superpower plans to transform the star field environment after returning home in glory! Contribute to the entire star field! 】

The article was written with tens of thousands of words, 80% of which was praising Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing for their great achievements! The remaining 20% ​​stated that the two saint-level superpowers had gone to other star fields for further study through the star field's relationship. After returning from their studies, they planned to make some contributions to the original star field.

We will take the lead in transforming some planets to bring new cultivation methods into the original star field. This method will be implemented on some first-class planets first. After the situation is confirmed to be stable, this method will gradually be extended to the entire star field.

The report had been sent out, and the names of Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing were widely spread.

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the report on Xingwang and said with a smile: "This report praises us so much that we are in the sky and on earth. The sentences are so sincere that I almost believe it."

Mu Qing also saw the report: "What's wrong with this report? We are not just returning home in glory. We are heroes in the entire star field~!"

Wan Liangxiang shook his head and smiled. Most of what the report said was correct, but this content was too exaggerated.

Headlines are very powerful, but they come and go quickly, and the hotly discussed matters soon move from here to other places.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing discussed with some saint-level superpowers who were making decisions on which planets to start the transformation, and finally chose three planets.

Emperor Star is one of them.

Mu Qing had to plant the spirit-calling tree sapling himself. If someone else had planted the sapling, it might not have survived.

Wan Xiangxiang planned to plant ten saplings on the Emperor Star. He had people choose the location first, and then he and Mu Qing went over to plant the trees.

After planting the tree, he will arrange the next defensive spiritual pattern here. The superpowers here are not very strong, so there is no need to arrange the twelfth and thirteenth level spiritual patterns. Wan Xiangxiang also deliberately arranged a five-level spiritual pattern. Level 5 spirit patterns, even if this planet could produce spiritual energy, would not be able to supply a person to become a bone-condensing realm for a while. Level 5 spirit patterns would be enough for use now.

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