Chapter 459: A glimpse of the tip of the iceberg

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After Mu Qing retreated in Wanxiangxiang, he took out a pile of vegetable seeds, put one in his hand and used negative spiritual energy to transform its structure.

Holding the seeds in his hand, Mu Qing walked towards the field.

The farm is running in an orderly manner, and Maomao and the other plants are delivering spiritual power to the spiritual plants in the ground.

Mu Qing walked to an empty field and planted the seeds of spiritual vegetables, and then caused them to sprout.

"Maomao, remember to help me deliver elements to this spiritual plant." Mu Qing ordered Maomao not far away. One of Maomao's branches extended and included the bud that had just grown into his sphere of influence.

Seeing that Maomao had taken over the new spiritual plants, Mu Qing checked several other spiritual plants that were about to mature in the field and marked two spiritual plants. These two spiritual plants would be harvested in two days.

I received the news again that Mu Qing was coming to the Agricultural Association, and the president of the Agricultural Association personally greeted him!

When he saw that Mu Qing had taken out a new type of spiritual plant, the president's still young face also broke into a smile!

Due to Mu Qing's huge contribution to Yongye Star, the president of the Agricultural Association has applied to the Lord of the Planet to allow Mu Qing to increase the reduction period for his contribution by 20!

The Lord of the Planet has approved this application. After knowing it, Mu Qing expressed that he was in a good mood. He patted the president of the Agricultural Association on the shoulder and said, "You are very sensible! Not bad!"

The president of the Agricultural Association laughed dryly and said, "It's all what I should do."

Two months later.

Mu Qinglu successively improved a lot of spiritual plants, and these were handed over to the Agricultural Planting Association for reduction.

Mu Qing shared the reduced reward between himself and Wan Xiangxiang.

Unknowingly, both of them lost three months of their time limit.

Mu Qing's improved spiritual plant varieties contain 3-5 higher bite point values ​​than ordinary spiritual plants of the same level. They are very popular in the Thousand Birds Star Territory!

The other thing is watermelon juice! Everyone who has used watermelon juice has praised its effectiveness in removing impurities! This also caused more people to rush to buy it!

The official website of Yongye Star almost entered a system crash state due to too many people! Fortunately, the Lord of the Planet spent a fortune on spiritual crystals and hired someone to perform maintenance, and the situation was stabilized!

After all, the quantity of watermelon juice is limited, so those who didn’t buy watermelon juice turned their attention to other products! then! All spiritual vegetables, fruits and other spiritual plants marked with the [Mu Qing Improvement] logo are the primary buying targets of many netizens!

Gradually, [Mu Qing’s improved] spiritual plants seem to have become an iconic product!

Such a booming sales situation has never appeared on Yongye Star. Even the Lord of the Planet has noticed the situation here, because the sales of these spiritual plants have driven the economic development of the entire Yongye Star in disguise!

When the Lord of the Planet checked the taxes, he discovered that the economic benefits in the past six months had almost increased by a quarter compared to previous years!

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