Chapter 408 Death Shattered Star Sea Passage

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The spacecraft sailed into the passage that was separated from the meteorites, and it was as smooth as sailing in the universe. But Wan Xiangxiang did not think that this passage was really as simple as he saw. He had not forgotten the few spaceships that were trying to fish in troubled waters but were squeezed and deformed.

After the spacecraft traveled for a short period of time, Wan Xiangxiang saw that a spacecraft that had broken into before them had been squeezed into a metal ball...

Continuing forward, we saw the wreckage of the previous spaceships one after another, without exception.

Wan Xiangxiang is somewhat interested in this kind of power that can flatten objects. It would be great if he could go out and try it for himself. However, in order to prevent the situation of being unable to come back once he goes out, he still needs to make some preparations.

So he immersed himself in refining two ropes. The ropes were extremely tough. One end was tied around his waist with a ring, and the other end was made into the shape of an octopus tentacle sucker.

A person with supernatural powers asked in confusion: "What is he doing?"

"Making weapons?" another guessed.

Mu Qing also came over curiously: "What are these two ropes for?"

Wan Xiangxiang said: "I use it when I go out." "

Mu Qing asked curiously: "You want to go out."

Wan Liangxiang nodded and came to the cabin door of the spacecraft.

This spaceship was modified by Wan Xiangxiang. He knew the structure of the entire spacecraft clearly, so he naturally knew where the switch was to open the hatch.

Wan Linglang's hand pressed on a position and opened the hatch. The suction cup at the other end of the rope in his hand quickly adhered to the door of the spacecraft, thus fixing him and the spacecraft together.

Wan Xiangxiang jumped up and quickly jumped out of the spacecraft, and the hatch of the spacecraft also closed in an instant. The spacecraft was suspended in the air as soon as Wan Xiangxiang came out. This feeling is very strange.

Because their spaceship is moving, according to the power of inertia, it is obviously unreasonable for him to float beside him like this.

It felt like their ship was standing still.

Forget it.

forget about it!

Fantasy world! What else is there about science?

Not long after leaving the spacecraft, Wan Xiangxiang noticed that there seemed to be some power in this passage, and these powers penetrated into his skin and pores pervasively.

After these forces accumulated to a certain amount, they began to squeeze his body.

Wan Xiangxiang thought of the squeezed and deformed spaceship, which should be of the same type as this power.

The saint-level superpowers in the spaceship were a little stunned.

One person came back to his senses and asked: "Why did he go out?"

&65279;A few people looked strange, and the situation outside the spacecraft was unclear. Going out rashly would most likely cause problems. "Wanxiang Armor Master is quite courageous." A person with superpowers said tactfully.

'Quite courageous' to put it bluntly means not knowing whether to live or die...

"Have you ever felt that the pressure in the air has become stronger?" Someone discovered the problem.

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