Chapter 461

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Wan Xiangxiang summoned all the slaves. He needed to know clearly what these slaves were thinking and their future plans.

After all, Gao Qi and others are not very strong. If these slaves confront them head-on, there is still a high chance that Gao Qi and others will lose.

Wan Xiangxiang believed that he was not harsh in his treatment of these slaves, and he did not ask for anything from these slaves in return, but if he wanted to stab him in the back, then his kindness would be in vain.

Although the territory here has been notarized, nothing is absolute. After all, Bao Guacai was originally the owner of this area, and he ended up being wiped out in the end.

Although the farm was under protective care in the morning, everyone who was not allowed was not allowed to enter and exit. If these slaves colluded with outsiders, Wan Xiangxiang was not sure how long the protective shield he had established could last. Everyone was called in. , Wan Xiangxiang began to ask for their opinions.

"As everyone thinks, Mu Qing and I are about to leave Yongye Star. In the past two years, I have not had much control over you, and I have even allowed you to advance on your own. So now you can share your thoughts. After we leave, will you continue to stay, or will you leave Qingxiang Farm after being promoted to a fifth-level elementalist?"

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the row of standing slaves and asked: "Those who want to leave, stand on the left. Those who want to stay, stand on the right."

As soon as Wan Xiangxiang finished speaking, a group of people rushed to the right.

"You all plan to stay?" Wan Xiangxiang was a little surprised to see such a result.

As the representative of the purchased slaves, Xiang Yi stepped forward and replied: "We all stay in the farm voluntarily. Even if we break away from our status as slaves, we have no land. When we go outside, we can only temporarily help other forces. The work, even if the treatment is worse than when we were slaves, is not as good as the treatment we can get in Qingxiang Farm. There is no need for us to abandon the good treatment we have now and become other people's lackeys. "

Not to mention the close relationship between Qingxiang Farm and Yongyexing’s Agricultural Association! It can be said that it is a situation of surviving with a big backer.

It would be a fool to leave the farm under such circumstances!

Wan Xiangxiang never thought that such a situation would happen. It turns out that the treatment he can give to slaves is better than the treatment others give to workers?

Although they expressed their loyalty, Wan Xiangxiang still wanted to beat them up, so he said: "It's best that your thoughts are true, because I don't like being betrayed. If I find that you have betrayed me, I will I’ll come back and kill you personally!”

What Wan Xiangxiang said is true. If these people decide to betray him in the end, then with his strength, he will definitely come back and wipe out the betrayers and their forces!

Guan Lingyuan also stood up to express his loyalty at this time: "Don't worry, I, Guan Lingyuan, will definitely not betray you or the farm!"

After getting along with each other for more than two years, Wan Xiangxiang could see that Guan Lingyuan really wanted to integrate into their relationship, and Wan Xiangxiang decided to give him such a chance.

The remaining five people who came with them from the original star field also expressed that they would not leave the farm.

Wan Xiangxiang continued: "Let's get to know each other. I am not an unreasonable person. If anyone wants to leave now, then I will let you leave. During this period, the spiritual crystals you earned with spiritual plants should be Having saved a lot, it is not difficult to buy an identity of your own. If you are willing, you can leave now!"

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