Chapter 494 Xue Tianhe invites you

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"This is the spiritual crystal obtained from selling the elixir this time. Please keep it." The head of the trading company handed a bag of spiritual crystal to Mu Qing.

Originally, they could have been given Spiritual Crystal Cards directly, but Wan Xiangxiang asked for Spiritual Crystals. After all, they would need these Spiritual Crystals immediately, and they would have to go out to redeem them with a card. Trouble!

The transaction between several people was originally carried out in secret, but Xue Tianhe's mental power was strong and he was close to here, so he just happened to see this scene with his mental power.

Xue Tianhe was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the person selling the elixir was so young.

Wan Xiangxiang also felt the other party's prying eyes and frowned in displeasure.

He knew that their transaction just now must have been seen by someone, and he just hoped that this person would not come over to provoke him.

If this person is really that ignorant, then you can't blame him for being rude.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing went back after getting the things.

Xue Tianhe saw that the direction they were leaving was exactly the direction of Watanabe Gate.

After the two disappeared, Xue Tianhe and Yufu returned to Wancaomen.

After returning to the two people's house, Wan Xiangxiang poured most of the spirit crystals he obtained into the planet space. If he wanted to quickly improve the space, he still couldn't save this amount of spirit crystals! These spiritual crystals should be enough for the planet space to last for a month.

In order to get more spiritual crystals, the two of them exchanged a batch of spiritual plants and materials and went back. For subsequent cultivation, spiritual crystals are indispensable!

The person who exchanged the materials was surprised when he saw the two people exchanged so many materials! Fortunately, most of the people in the Watsei Gate are not traitors, otherwise such a big fat sheep would probably be seen by others.

However, their behavior was still noticed by some disciples on the side.

"Are they from the Weapon Refining Hall? They exchanged so many materials like this? I seem to have seen them last month, and they also exchanged a bunch of materials."

"I don't know, I've never heard of such a person."

"Who's going to inquire?"

Wan Xiangxiang never thought that his behavior of exchanging materials would arouse other people's ideas!

The main reason is that the two of them are too familiar with each other. Even the new disciples are not as stubborn as them! Others will compete with each other to establish their own status and so on, and they all become more or less familiar faces.

The two of them also got mixed up with the people in the mission hall and the people who exchanged materials! He doesn’t seem to be interested in the competition for resources in Wat Shengmon!

After a group of people asked around, everyone found that they didn't know these two people!

In the end, it was only confirmed by Senior Brother Chen who was in charge of registration that the two of them were indeed the newly recruited disciples this time!

A small group of interested people speculated.

"Perhaps these two are too strong and disdain our company?"

"Perhaps it was because Watatsumon Gate was quiet that they chose to enter?"

"Anyway, with that kind of strength, I don't understand what you have to discuss! They are also grand masters of weapon refining or alchemy refining, so there is some reason for discussion. Aren't they just two soul-shaping realms?"

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