Chapter 540 The dust has settled

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As for whether the Nine-Headed Demon Luan has become weaker after Nirvana, several Territory Lords have the best say on this point.

Although they did not want to believe that the opponent they had fought hard for several months was killed by two newly promoted gods in less than a day, but that was the fact.

But this is really embarrassing, and they will definitely not publicize it everywhere. As for netizens, what are their guesses?

Is it still up to them to decide what kind of speculation others want to have?

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing watched as the Nine-Headed Demon Luan finally turned into dust.

Wan Liangxiang said: "Is it over?"

Mu Qing nodded and said, "Yes, I don't feel any trace of life anymore."

Before Wan Xiangxiang had time to sigh, the Origin Heart used his mental power to send him a message.

After hearing this, Wan Xiangxiang immediately flew over and danced where the nine-headed demon luan was scattered into dust!

Because, the Heart of Origin immediately asked him to collect the spiritual energy that escaped after the death of the Nine-headed Demon Luan! That is equivalent to the spiritual energy of nine soul-enlightening realm soul refiners! Of course it can’t be wasted!

So he concentrated his energy to collect all these spiritual energies and quickly put them into the planet space!

Also scurrying around in space with the thousands of noises is the dream-eating spider!

That is the spiritual power of the Nine-Headed Demon Luan! The dream-eating spider spins silk everywhere to collect this spiritual power!

These mental powers will definitely take its strength to another level!

Wan Xiangxiang's mental power would occasionally get stuck on the Dream-Eating Spider's webs, hindering his ability to collect spiritual energy, which made him very angry!

If he hadn't been too busy collecting spiritual energy to pay attention to the Dream-Eating Spider, he would definitely have gone up to give it a beating!

The Dream-Eating Spider didn't know Wan Xiangxiang's thoughts. He was very happy in his heart. Although Wan Xiang was annoying to the spider sometimes, he could really collect a lot of powerful mental power by following him!

At this time, everyone was very puzzled by Wan Xiangxiang's behavior.

The battle just now damaged a lot of micro cameras, but a few of them still remained stubbornly.

"What is that person doing? Is it because Shengli wants to do a victory dance?"

"I don't see it! Could it be that the Nine-Headed Demon Luan is not completely dead yet?! Is he still fighting in the aftermath?"

"Listening to what you said, I think it's possible! I'll just say it! How can the Nine-Headed Demon Luan fail so easily!"

Below is the echo of everyone.

Several domain owners also felt a little strange.

Chu Yi asked: "What is Wan Xiang doing? Dance to the gods? Is this some kind of sacrificial dance?"

Everyone shook their heads, and Wu Xuantian said: "Should we go out to see the situation?"

After spending several hours, Wan Xiangxiang collected all the spiritual energy scattered around. The last time the Nine-headed Demon Luan's clone exploded, a lot of spiritual energy was exploding. This time, the main body exploded, and there was no need to say more about the spiritual energy.

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