Chapter 566 Xiao Guozi wants to raise a child and wife

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Xiaoguozi's name is Wan Wenrui, he is now four years old. His favorite person is his father, and his second favorite person is his father.

Because before he was two years old, except for sleeping sometimes, he almost never left his father's arms. However, his father took over his father's arms on the grounds that he should learn to walk.

The first name Wan Wenrui knew was father.

Everyone expressed surprise because the word dad was easier to pronounce, according to the language learning progress of a normal child. The first word I learned should be dad instead of father.

But Xiao Guozi doesn't care, because what he likes most is his father.

Wan Wenrui, like his father, is a member of the Mu tribe. Because he is still young, he cannot control his hair color and eye color, and can only let his forehead turn green.

Wan Wenrui doesn't like his green hair very much because his father always uses green hair to push him away.

Of course, his father didn't know that he understood. Wan Wenrui was indeed a little confused when he heard it, but his smart mind understood a lot after listening to adults' conversations for a long time.

For example, my father always says that he has a green forehead.

For example, my father always said that his future wife would be bad and would run away with someone else.

Wan Wenrui was very troubled by this. If it weren't for the fact that his father would give him his favorite spiritual fruit, he wouldn't like his father second.

Because his future wife will run away with someone else, Wan Wenrui has to bear the troubles that should not belong to his age at a young age.

He felt that he could not sit still and wait for death, and must find a way to solve what might happen in the future.

Wan Wenrui first went to consult the most senior person here, his master Shen Jichen.

"What did you say?" Shen Jinchen looked strange. A little baby actually came to ask him for advice on how to prevent his wife from running away with someone else in the future?

Shen Jinchen was speechless. As a person who had been cheated on by a scumbag, if Wan Wenrui hadn't been too young, he would have suspected that this doll was just here to cash in on him!

"How can I prevent my wife from running away with others?" Wan Wenrui's big eyes were full of curiosity.

Shen Jinchen helplessly said to Le Hong, who was smiling like a fool: "Mu Qing must have said something nonsense in front of the child again. Later, Wan Xiang should tell him not to talk nonsense in front of the child. .”

Le Hong said, "Come on, can Wan Xiang control Mu Qing?"

"I think Mu Qing still listens to Wan Xiang's words." This is Shen Jinchen's impression of these two people. Mu Qing has always listened to Wan Xiang's words.

"That depends on the situation." Le Hong said with a smile.

Shen Jinchen said: "That needs to be mentioned. I don't even know what this child has been taught."

Le Hongyi said indifferently: "Isn't this a very good teaching?"

Wan Wenrui's cultivation level increased rapidly, and his speed in learning martial arts was even faster than that of Wan Xiangxiang.

Okay, in terms of learning martial arts skills, Wan Xiangxiang is indeed not as good as Mu Qing. The children's training and moves are basically taught by Mu Qing. After all, they are all members of the Mu tribe. Mu Qing still has his own clan's inheritance. Teaching a There is nothing wrong with the child.

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