Chapter 484 Materials with Stable Performance

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Ninth-level spiritual weapons require some technical skills. Wan Xiangxiang decided to check some information first. He really didn't want to accidentally destroy those ninth-level materials!

Wan Xiangxiang contacted the Nine Star Alliance through Su Wanrou. The Nine Star Alliance was also the sect that occupied the most territory and was the most powerful on Feng Mars.

After the transaction of spiritual weapons, the relationship between the two parties has become much closer. Wan Xiangxiang hopes to consult some related weapon refining books through the Nine Star Alliance.

But it is a pity that the Nine Star Alliance on Feng Mars is only a branch, and even they do not have this authority unless Wan Xiangxiang can join the Nine Star Alliance.

Wan Xiangxiang is definitely not willing to join the Nine Star Alliance, but freedom is more practical.

The path of the Nine Star Alliance was blocked, so Wan Xiangxiang adopted the method of offering bounties. Whether it was the weapon refiner trading platform or the alchemist community, he put the task on his list.

Wan Xiangxiang worked hard and forged a top-quality spiritual weapon with better quality! After improving the forging efficiency of this top-grade spiritual weapon, Wan Xiangxiang put the eighth-level top-grade spiritual weapon with spiritual patterns on it as a bounty, and put the spiritual weapon as a reward for a book on the forging method of the ninth-level spiritual weapon.

Although the spiritual weapon is a big deal, no one has shown any sign of redeeming it after hanging it up for several days. It’s not that no one wants it, it’s mainly because these people can’t help it!

Generally, ninth-level weapon refiners have a sect background. It is too difficult for people without background to become a ninth-level weapon refiner. People with sects cannot pass on the forging techniques within the sect at will. Yes, this has led to the current predicament. Mu Qing has also been assigned a task in the alchemist community. The ninth-level best elixir can be exchanged for the ninth-level forging method.

No one claimed these tasks, but others did. Wan Xiang also released some tasks about books related to ninth-level materials. The reward was an eighth-level high-grade spiritual weapon engraved with spiritual patterns.

There are quite a few people who are willing to accept the tasks of these books. After all, these materials and books are almost universal to everyone. You have it, I have it, everyone has it! Naturally, someone rushed up to replace it.

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the material books in his hand. Since there was no forging method, forget it. Wan Xiangxiang withdrew those tasks.

After familiarizing himself with the materials, Wan Xiangxiang locked himself up again and began to study the ninth-level spiritual weapon.

No forging method? Then he will create one himself!

Fortunately, his idea did not spread, otherwise I don't know who should call him arrogant!

Wan Xiangxiang's mental power entered a more wonderful kind of shota, carefully observing the smelting materials, not missing any seat changes, and his mind was constantly calculating how these materials should be combined.

Ten days later.

Wan Xiangxiang came out of seclusion holding the ninth-level spiritual weapon.

He chose to auction the first spiritual weapon he forged.

This was a ninth-level high-grade spiritual weapon, and it was engraved with spiritual patterns, which caused quite a stir.

The success rate of forging a ninth-level spiritual weapon is very low, and the chance of getting a high-grade spiritual weapon is even smaller. And it is even more rare to have a spiritual pattern engraved on this high-grade spiritual weapon!

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