Chapter 557 Wedding (1)

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On this day, Chen Loumeng was directing everyone to work in the kitchen, while some robots among his friends were busy.

As the former president of the cooking club, Chen Loumeng took the initiative to provide them with the dishes to prepare for the wedding banquet after meeting Mu Qing some time ago.

Wan Xiangxiang must be too lazy to think about it himself. There is no one with particularly good cooking skills on Qingxiang Star, let alone Chenxi Star. In this era when everyone advocates force, some restaurants can prepare it, but the taste is really good. Not as good as Chen Lou Meng.

So Wan Xiangxiang invited some temporary helpers from outside to come back and put Chen Loumeng under unified management.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing took out some ingredients, and Chen Loumeng's eyes lit up!

These ingredients are all monsters that Wan Xiangxiang captured from that uninhabited space. The hordes of rabbits there are a bit scary. If Wan Xiangxiang appears a little later, these rabbits will probably overrun the area. Disaster!

After Wan Xiangxiang went in, he captured a lot of rabbits and other monsters. The main meat was rabbits.

There were a lot of unknown fruits, and Wan Xiangxiang gave some to Chen Loumeng to try, because Chen Loumeng had never seen these fruits before, and he didn't know very well how to make them, so he only tried a few of them. Desserts were made, and the rest she studied into a fruit platter.

After Chen Loumeng prepared all the dishes for the wedding banquet, he asked everyone to try them. Wan Xiangxiang thought they were good, so the banquet that day was arranged accordingly.

The dishes in this banquet also have a certain degree of difference, which mainly depends on the cultivation level of the people at the table. People with different cultivation levels will be divided into different tables to sit down.

After all, different levels of spirit refiners can eat different kinds of monster meat. If a low-level spirit refiner eats the flesh of a high-level monster, he will definitely be burst.

Wan Xiangxiang personally refined the wedding dress. In fact, it was a defensive weapon. When it was restored to its original shape, it took the shape of a ring.

When Wan Xiangxiang was refining this magic weapon, he thought that it could be used as a wedding ring.

Wan Liangxiang took out the ring and put it on Mu Qing. Mu Qing's spiritual energy circulated, leaving only a pattern on the ring wrapped around his finger, and he put on a set of bright red wedding clothes.

Mu Qing also took the ring and put it on Wan Xiangxiang.

The two of them immediately changed into wedding clothes.

Kong Chen knocked on the door: "Master, are you ready?"

Mu Qing asked people to come in.

Kong Chen saw the two of them who had finished dressing up, and said with a smile: "Master, today is a great day, can I do a live broadcast?"

There are many people in the Chidori Star Territory who cannot come to attend the wedding, but it does not prevent everyone from having a strong interest in this ceremony.

Wan Liangxiang said: "You can live broadcast, but you have to start from outside. Don't start it if you are still in the room. We will go out later."

Kong Chen swallowed his saliva and said, "Then can I go take a photo of the dishes first?"

In fact, he was salivating over those dishes and wondered if he could ask for some if he went there in advance.

Wan Liangxiang waved his hand: "Go ahead."

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