Chapter 498 Agree to make alchemy

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Two figures emerged from the dust and smoke that had lingered for a long time.

The figures of Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing were gradually revealed.

Mu Qing didn't know what these people were looking for in their house, so he asked.

Elder Qiu stopped and said unmistakably: "Why did you come out now when you are fine?" They ate a mouthful of dust. Elder Qiu was a little confused. When he used his mental power to check the surroundings just now, he didn't seem to find any trace of the two of them.

Mu Qing felt a little guilty. There had been an explosion before, and Wan Xiangxiang had directly pulled him into the planet space. However, he knew that he could not show his cowardice, so he said confidently: "We have been here all the time just now. You didn't see what's there!" Elder Qiu said a little doubtfully: "Is this true? Then why didn't my mental power find any trace of you just now?" Wan Xiangxiang explained in time, and took out a spiritual weapon in his hand. Qi said: "It should be because of the defensive aura in my hand." He activated the aura in his hand, and the two of them disappeared in the mental exploration of the others.

Elder Qiu nodded, as if he accepted his statement, but the fact that the house was bombed could not be dismissed like this. Then he remembered the business and said nervously: "What happened here? Why did it become like this?" With this look, who attacked you?"

Mu Qing felt guilty and quickly shook his head: "No, we were not attacked."

Mu Qing's attitude of not wanting to hide anything made Elder Qiu even more convinced that he was lying. Something must have happened that he couldn't tell them! Is it because Xue Tianhe is present?

Thinking of this, Elder Qiu turned his attention to Xue Tianhe. He was very suspicious of Xue Tianhe's purpose of visiting Toshengmen.

Mu Qing followed his gaze, saw Xue Tianhe, and exclaimed, "Why are you here too?"

If he remembered correctly, Xue Tianhe should be from Wancao Sect.

Xue Tianhe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Mu Qingren was okay, but he didn't expect that the topic would be brought to him.

Xue Tianhe said calmly: "You didn't reply when I gave you a message, so I had no choice but to come here in person!"

Mu Qing scratched his head: "I didn't look at the communicator, but why did you come to me? I won't be your apprentice."

Xue Tianhe said: "Why not? You can't find a more powerful alchemist than me in Dusheng Sect to be your master!"

Mu Qing shook his head and said, "I don't need to be a disciple. I can already refine level 12 elixirs."

Xue Tianhe said in disbelief: "What! Impossible! How could you become a tenth-level alchemist so quickly!" Did Mu Qing really think that the great master of alchemy was picked up from the roadside? !

Mu Qing first took out a level 10 elixir and said: "Here, this is the level 10 elixir that I just refined. For such an elixir, I even blew up the house..."

At this point, Mu Qing subconsciously shut up, as if he accidentally let something slip...

Although he exploded the furnace, he managed to save the pills in the single furnace.

Xue Tianhe took the elixir from Mu Qing's hand and saw that it was actually a level ten elixir, and it was the same elixir he gave him last time!

Xue Tianhe's eyes were confused and he murmured: "Is there really such a genius in alchemy in the world?"

The disciples of the Tosei Sect on the side did not react to the impact of the conversation between the two...

Elder Qiu was stunned for a while and then said: "So the reason why your house turned into such a ruin is because you refined the tenth-level elixir to explode the furnace?"

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