Chapter 429 Anomaly in the Mountain

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Wan Xiangxiang believed that he was not a big landowner who oppressed farmers, so he was responsible for helping these monsters bury the seeds when planting.

As for other chores like transporting elements, let them handle it themselves.

The two-headed griffins placed their eggs. They had no objection to going outside. In the noisy planet space, the area where they could move was too small. The two griffins were still flying in the sky after being released. Many laps! In the end, they found an empty house to build their own nests. Wan Xiangxiang also got them some things to connect to the Star Network, and transferred some spiritual crystals to their accounts so that they could buy what they wanted to build their own nests.

Anyway, there are only so many spiritual crystals, and they will be gone after they are used up. These two two-headed griffins are quite intelligent and can understand what he means.

As for the Hundred-Eyed Beast, Wan Xiangxiang also treated everyone equally. After all, when people work, they still have to pay wages, right? Anyway, the funds are only 100,000 spiritual crystals, there is absolutely no more!

After the two-headed griffon can absorb the spiritual energy, it transforms into a sixth-level monster. This cultivation level can still quickly improve jgj. The cultivation level of the Hundred-Eyed Beast is much higher. It is already a seventh-level monster. If it weren't for Wan With the Xiangxiang contract restraining it, it might still be able to fight Wan Xiangxiang without losing the force.

Wan Xiangxiang is very satisfied with their cultivation!

Only the higher the cultivation level! The vegetables you grow will be of a higher level!

Wan Xiangxiang packed up and preserved the small batch of plants grown during the previous experiment.

Yuanyuan entered this data into the information of items sold in Qingxiang Shop and sold it on Qingxiang Shop! It is marked on it as produced by Yongye Star!

The value of the vegetables produced by Yongyexing is not low. The value of a pound of vegetables is higher than the value of spiritual plants. This mainly depends on the value of the bite points in the spiritual plants.

Because some spiritual vegetables have higher bite points, their prices will be higher.

Before Wan Xiangxiang handed it over to Yuanyuan, he left some plans for himself to try in the future, but now he doesn't have much time to play with them.

The farming plan was in full swing. After everyone received a new batch of seeds, they started planting. These seeds have good adaptability, and Mu Qing also helped cast Yunling Spiritual Energy once.

A few days later, new shoots sprouted again in the fields on the farm.

Those several acres of land are almost full of things.

Regarding this aspect, Wan Xiangxiang is quite satisfied.

After the situation in the fields stabilized, Wan Xiangxiang decided to go to the mountains to have a look, so he went to find Mu Qing who was planting melons in the fields.

Wan Liangxiang said: "Aren't you going to be a big landowner who exploits farmers? Why are you farming the land yourself?"

Mu Qing patted the soil in his hands and said, "I improved a variant of cucumber. I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it well, so I'll plant it myself."

Wan Xiangxiang glanced at the cucumber seedlings in the ground and didn't pay much attention: "I want to go to the mountain to have a look. Do you want to come with me?"

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