Chapter 437: Refining

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Wan Xiangxiang is really afraid of being complained that he publishes false information!

It’s true that cucumbers are delicious, but I’m not sure whether they’re good for the skin.

never mind! No one would have the luxury of applying a facial mask with a level 7 spiritual plant that contains bite points...

Thinking this way, his psychological burden is not so heavy.

The cucumber has attracted a lot of attention since it was put on the shelves, with a super high bite value! The ultra-high spiritual energy content is almost comparable to an eighth-level spiritual plant! Very noticeable!

However, very few people bought it.

The reason is very simple. Qingxiang Shop has not been established on Xingwang for a long time, and its reputation is not obvious.

The original consumer group is middle and low-level cultivators. Seventh-level spiritual plants are really not something that low-level ability users like them can afford, so they can only join in the fun and take a look.

Mu Qing had already fantasized about the bright future of making money, but when all the other first- and second-level spiritual vegetables were sold out, he didn't see many people buying cucumbers.

"These ignorant guys! Why don't you buy my cucumbers?" Mu Qing was really depressed. Wan Xiangxiang whispered: "Actually, it's not that no one is buying it. Three of them have already been sold..." Mu Qing's melons are not only of high grade, but also very heavy. A melon half the height of a person weighs several kilograms. The reset would be a heavy burden if purchased at one time, so it would be difficult to sell it.

Mu Qing was upset that only three melons were sold: "But hundreds of other people's melons were sold out, and I only sold three!"

"You should think about it this way. You earned more spiritual crystals by selling three cucumbers than they did by selling hundreds of pieces. Generally speaking, the melons you grow are more powerful!" Wan Xiangxiang said with facts and He makes sense.

"You seem to be right to say that." Mu Qing thought about it and felt that he was indeed stronger. "But I still have so many melons that I can't sell. What should I do? They don't want to give me face!"

Wan Xiangxiang didn't like complaining. How could he sell it? After thinking about it, he suggested: "How about we keep half of the cucumbers on the shelves and make the other half into other things for sale? The smaller the portions and the lower the price, the better. Someone bought it." What he was thinking of was making cucumbers into other foods. A cucumber can be divided into hundreds of portions, so those low-level cultivators might grit their teeth and spend money to buy one portion.

Mu Qing thought about it and thought it made sense. He quickly ran to Yuanyuan and asked Yuanyuan to take two-thirds of the cucumbers off the shelves!

Mu Qing hurriedly produced a batch of elixir, and then carried two cucumbers into the alchemy room.

With a "bang", the door was closed.

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the development of this situation and was a little stunned, wait a minute! That's not his original intention, hey i

Originally, he just wanted Mu Qing to try pickled cucumbers to see if they would sell well, but now looking at Mu Qing's attitude, could it be that he planned to make these cucumbers into elixirs and sell them?

It's not impossible!

Mu Qing only stayed in the alchemy room for two days before coming out.

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