Chapter 413 Sneaking into the City

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When one man and one spider returned to the place where the spacecraft originally landed, the spacecraft had already been put away by Mu Qing.

Seeing Wan Xiangxiang coming back, Mu Qing asked, "How's it going?"

"It's all done. I also brought you some meat." Wan Xiangxiang said in his heart. The meat of this dream-eating spider should not be any worse than that of the crystal-eating spider.

After the crisis was resolved, everyone gathered together again.

Naturally, it was impossible to make any progress by staying where he was, so Wan Xiangxiang decided to get out of this area.

"What are your plans?" Wan Xiangxiang asked Guan Lingyuan's six people.

Guan Lingyuan immediately expressed his position: "If senior doesn't dislike it, I am willing to follow him."

Mu Qing nodded with satisfaction: "You are quite sensible."

Guan Lingyuan was a little embarrassed: "Qin Bei deserves the award." His cultivation level is indeed not as high as Mu Qing's, but his age is more than a hundred years older than Mu Qing. He was called a boy by a junior for a while, so he I felt a little weird.

The other people looked at each other in confusion, and finally expressed their willingness to follow Wan Xiangxiang.

Wan Xiangxiang didn't have any problem with bringing a few more people with him. He could naturally handle the ordinary troubles by himself and didn't mind bringing a few more oil bottles.

If he encountered trouble that he couldn't handle, he wouldn't sacrifice himself to save a few people he obviously didn't know well.

"The ugly words are ahead. You can follow me, but you must absolutely obey my orders. If you can't do it, you can leave now. If you don't follow my instructions when you issue the order, I don't mind solving it myself. You." Although Wan Xiangxiang is willing to accept this group of people, it will be difficult to deal with these people if they are ignorant. They still have to warn them when it is time to warn them to avoid any problems.

Several people solemnly agreed.

In this case, it is the best choice to find someone with higher strength as a backer. Moreover, Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing are not difficult to get along with, and they must not kill people for no reason. Kind of strong.

Wan Xiangxiang's spiritual power spread outwards. Of course, he didn't want to rush out randomly. He still had to first see in which direction the crowd mainly lived.

After seeing the inhabited place, Wan Xiangxiang took out another flying spiritual weapon. After inputting spiritual power, his body grew in size, forming the appearance of a spaceship.

He asked everyone to sit down, and he drove the spiritual weapon towards the gathering place of humans.

Everyone arrived outside the gathering place. They did not enter the city immediately, but stayed in a place outside the city. Wan Xiangxiang used his mental power to cover the area to prevent others from discovering them.

There are not a few pedestrians coming and going, and the people here are not dressed in ancient costumes as Wan Xiangxiang thought, but in various exquisite costumes.

Women are also not shy about showing off their slender, fair legs, and men’s styles also have V-neck styles that open up their chests.

"These people are still so active at night, are they having a party?" Wanli looked at the brightly lit city, and twisted his body a few times, and he was about to get high!

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