Chapter 434 Start selling vegetables

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Due to the existence of Biyun Crystal, a product with weird statistics, thousands of people flocked to Qingxiang Shop, and they followed the shop with a lively attitude. Netizens wanted to see what would happen next.

However, this product has been hanging for nearly half a month, and the enthusiasm of everyone's initial discussion has gradually cooled down. Just when people were about to forget about this product, some spiritual vegetables were put on the shelves one after another in the store. The label is still produced by Yongye Star.

That said, the process goes like this.

The first-level spiritual plants in Qingxiang Farm have matured one after another. Xiang Yi originally wanted to ask Wan Xiangxiang’s opinion, but unfortunately Wan Xiangxiang was locked up in the refining room, and a Do Not Disturb warning was hung in the room. .

Xiang Yi had no choice but to ask the other owner of the farm.

Mu Qing was tending the cucumbers he planted in the cucumber field. After hearing what Xiang Yi said, he replied: "Wan Xiang didn't come out? Then pick the vegetables and sell them."

"Who will handle this matter?" Xiang Yi asked.

Mu Qing glanced at him: "Can't you handle it?"

Xiang Yi: "..." This master's thinking is too simple.

Xiang Yi said: "We are just slaves and there is no way to sell them."

Mu Qing scratched his head and said, "That's it. Then I'll find you a helper."

Mu Qing put down the kettle, went to their house, and found Yuanyuan and Fangfang.

"If you have anything to discuss with them, they are in charge of everything in the store." Mu Qing acted as the shopkeeper without any guilt.

"..." Xiang Yi was speechless for a moment. Is the owner of this farm so unreliable?

Mu Qing was not in the mood to speculate on Xiang Yi's thoughts, so he ran back to the ground after saying a few words.

Xiang Yi had no choice but to discuss it with Yuanyuan.

"It's like this. Some of the first-level spiritual plants we planted are mature and need to be picked and sold." Xiang Yi was actually a little unsure whether the robot could understand what he meant.

Yuanyuan said: "Then let's pick it. The first-level spiritual plants should be planted by Wanli and the others."

"That's right." Xiang Yi was a little surprised. This robot actually knew how to adapt? The ten slaves they bought back at the auction were all second- and third-level elementalists, and the spiritual vegetables they planted were also second- and third-level, so the first-level spiritual plants were obviously not theirs.

These spiritual plants were planted for those three people and Guan Lingyuan's six people.

Yuanyuan and Fangfang followed Xiang Yi outside. Yuanyuan directed the people who had mature spiritual vegetables in their fields and asked them to pick the vegetables they planted.

Most of the spiritual plants grown on the farm are non-attributed spiritual plants. Although spiritual plants with attributes are more effective, they have a smaller audience. Therefore, Xiang Yi suggested planting more non-attributed spiritual plants at that time, and Wan Xiangxiang also accepted it.

In addition to a small number of plants with their own attributes planted in an acre of land, there are more non-attribute spiritual plants.

Some spiritual plants have matured in both planting and spiritual plant + personal fields. Even if plants are of the same variety planted together, they will not mature at the same speed, so they will still mature in batches.

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