Chapter 436 Delicious and useful big cucumber

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Wan Xiangxiang was just thinking about it when Mu Qing took him to the cucumber field.

Mu Qing said excitedly: "Look at how big my cucumber is!"

Wan Xiangxiang's face was expressionless as he looked at the three-plus-centimeter-diameter cucumber hanging on the vine in front of him.

"Big!" Wan Xiangxiang replied subconsciously.

ah! Something seems wrong! He turned around and asked, "Is this the rhubarb...melon you said you wanted me to see?" Mu Qing looked back at him and said, "Yes! This is a new variety I cultivated! It must be the largest cucumber in the world. !”

"Oh." Wan Xiangxiang then remembered that Mu Qing had indeed said before that he used negative spiritual energy to change the internal structure of a seed! Maybe the biggest cucumbers will ever grow!

"Hey!" Fortunately, he thought Mu Qing was taking the initiative, but it turned out that he was just thinking too much!

Mu Qing didn't pay much attention to Wan Xiangxiang's abnormality, and excitedly introduced the melons he planted.

Mu Qing showed off, "The cucumber is not yet ripe, but it will definitely be bigger when it matures!"

Wan Xiangxiang: "..." What's the use of a big cucumber? Aren't big cucumbers still cucumbers? Wan Xiangxiang really doesn't understand the use of Mu Qing planting the biggest cucumber.

Since the cucumber planted by Mu Qing is a new variety improved by negative spiritual energy, it is already a seventh-level spiritual plant! The aura and bite point value contained must also be ++ points.

"When will this cucumber mature?" Wan Xiangxiang asked casually.

Mu Qing said: "It will take two days, but if I induce the baby, it should be mature today."

"Then let's visit again in two days!" Wan Xiangxiang held Mu Qing in front of her in a princess hug! Mu Qing said: "I haven't collected attributeless elements for Cucumber today!"

Wan Xiangxiang glanced at the cucumber patch and said, "Let's see tomorrow! Let's get down to business first!"

The two of them walked through the vegetable field in a grand manner. When they passed Lezhang's vegetable field, Lezhang snorted: "It's immoral!" There was a strong resentment!

Wan Xiangxiang glanced at him doubtfully: "Elder brother! What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay!" Le Hongyi continued to convey vitality to the vegetables in the vegetable field.

Mu Qing said: "Don't worry about me, senior brother. Master Shen has been refining weapons in the weapon refiner during this time. He hasn't seen anyone for almost a month and a half."

Wan Liangxiang immediately understood that this was because he was not satisfied with his desires, no wonder he looked like a resentful woman.

He remembered that he had given his master a lot of weapon refining books before, and also gave out a lot of low-level weapon refining materials by the way! The master has high talent and is very interested in weapon refining. It is normal for him to stay in seclusion for more than a month!

In addition, all you need to buy materials now is a teleporter, and the materials you want to buy can be teleported directly to your side without leaving the house! It couldn't be more convenient!

This is simply a great weapon for otakus!

Wan Xiangxiang, who has been shut down for nearly a month, expressed his understanding!

But when he looked at Le Hongyi again, he felt a little more guilty, so he quickly hugged Mu Qing and ran away!

Two days later, Mu Qing finally had a big cucumber harvest!

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