Chapter 520: Meeting alone with the domain master

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Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing boarded the flying spiritual weapon that left Xu Chong Star. Because there was no flying spiritual weapon that went directly to Lanyan Star, Wan Xiangxiang and the others took Yuanyuan and Fangfang.

Ranren quickly returned to Lan Yanxing, and after registering his name, he was called over by everyone.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing murmured, "I've come back so dusty, and I haven't tidied myself up yet. Wouldn't it be rude to meet the Territory Lord like this?"

Mu Qing glanced at him and said: "No, you are very handsome like this!"

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The disciples who led them had goosebumps all over their bodies inexplicably.

The two were taken to a garden. After walking a hundred meters in, they saw a man feeding fish idly not far away. This man had red hair and was wearing a dark blue robe, and he exuded a faint sense of power.

Wan Xiangxiang said in his heart, and indeed he was still as unyielding as before.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing's senses have improved a lot now. Their cultivation has been consolidated during this period, and they can withstand the power of the Territory Lord.

The disciple who led them stopped and said, "I will lead you here. The Territory Lord is in front. You can just go over there." The disciple's head was sweating, and he was obviously unable to withstand the Territory Lord. After that, he left as if running away. Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing stepped forward. The two of them saluted: "Lord Territory Lord!"

The Territory Lord looked at the two of them with a somewhat indifferent expression and said, "Sit down."

The Territory Lord also returned to sit on the stone chair in the pavilion.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing sat down without being polite.

Wan Xiangxiang felt that the Territory Lord was a little abnormal. The last time he saw the Territory Lord, the Territory Lord's aura was very strong, and the unruly look in his eyes could not be concealed. Now he seemed to be much calmer.

Chu Yi said: "Your cultivation is not bad. There is no soul refiner in the Mysterious Realm who can talk to me at such a close distance." Chu Yi's tone was stating a fact.

Although the cultivation levels of Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing are not as good as those of the Xuanzun Realm, it is not difficult to fight against the Xuanzun Realm alone.

Wan Xiangxiang didn't dare to talk nonsense in front of the Territory Lord, so he only replied: "Your Majesty, Territory Lord, thank you."

The Territory Lord did not continue with this issue, but asked: "Do you know the reason why I am looking for you?"

Wan Xiangxiang thought to himself, isn’t that obvious? Replied: "It should be about the Nine-Headed Demon Luan, right?"

"This is just one of them. In fact, I still have some things I want to ask." The domain master had already received the message from his grandson. After receiving the message, he sent people to follow the transmission of the spiritual pattern disk and go there. Enter the breeding space of each sacred blood tree and kill several sacred blood trees.

"I have confirmed that the news about the Divine Blood Tree is true. The people infected by the Wanhuan Flower have also been assimilated through the refining of a large number of elixirs. However, the marks of the Nine-headed Demon Luan on these people have not been eliminated. They need to be re-assimilated. Find a way." Territory Lord explained.

Wan Liangxiang said: "Does the Territory Lord want me to help remove the mark? My speed of removing the mark is really slow. There are too many people who have been banned in the Brahma Nine Domains, and I have no way to solve them at the moment. "

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