Chapter 468 Frost Ink Fantasy Flower

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A new round of tasks was put on the shelves again and was snatched up instantly. Wan Xiangxiang began to review Danfang information.

Mu Qing said from the side: "Isn't there a way to awaken vitality yet?"

Wan Xiangxiang was multitasking, chatting with Mu Qing while sifting through the prescriptions: "Not yet. It seems that Wan Hong's situation is a more difficult problem." As he said this, he knocked back a duplicate prescription.

Mu Qing also felt a little bored, so he looked through the prescriptions he had obtained during this period. I started to prepare medicinal materials and planned to try to refine these newly obtained elixirs.

"Huh?" Wan Xiangxiang said softly.

Mu Qing wrote an article asking: "What's wrong?"

After Wan Xiangxiang confirmed it, he said, "Someone has taken over the mission!"

Mu Qing thought it was some big deal. Didn't someone just take over the mission? What's all the fuss about? He shook his head and said, "Aren't there people taking missions every day these days?"

Wan Liangxiang said: "I mean someone has taken over the task of awakening life."

Mu Qing stood up and said, "Let me take a look! As he said that, he pushed Wan Xiangxiang aside."

Mu Qing opened the title of the plan submitted for the task, but it was impossible to decipher it except for the title: "Why can't I read the content inside?"

Wan Liangxiang said: "This requires us to transfer the elixir to the system management office before it can be opened."

Once Wan Xiangxiang confirms that the prescription can be used, the elixir can be transferred to the other party's hands.

After transferring the elixir, Mu Qing got the prescription as he wished.

Wan Xiangxiang did not look at it, but asked: "How is it? Is it Danfang?"

Mu Qing shook his head: "It's not a prescription, it's a treatment plan."

There are eight types of elixirs that need to be refined in this plan. These elixirs are only auxiliary. The real steps cannot be solved by taking elixirs. We also need to find a spiritual plant seed as an auxiliary. Naturally, this spiritual plant seed cannot be grown and eaten! But it is needed to awaken vitality.

This kind of spiritual plant seed that needs to be used is called Frost Ink Wan Huan Huan. Plant it in Wanhong's vitality gathering place. As the Frost Ink Wan Huan Huan Flower sprouts and grows, it will bring the vitality to other places in the body.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing had never heard of the spiritual plant Frost Ink Wan Huan Hua, so they went to the Star Network to search for it.

The situation of this spiritual plant can be checked.

The properties of the Frost-Ink Fantasy Flower are very peculiar. As long as it is provided with the materials it needs, it can sprout and grow in any environment. It's not surprising even in magma.

The elixir is to provide growth conditions for the germination of Frost Ink Magic Flower!

The Frost Ink Fantasy Flower is not a medicinal spiritual plant. It has unique properties. What properties it can eventually grow are closely related to the nutrients it absorbs, so the elixirs that need to be used are very particular.

In addition to the seven types that provide nutrients, there is also an attribute elixir belonging to Wanhong, so that this spiritual plant can be more consistent with Wanhong himself.

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