Chapter 416: Aboriginals in 'Big Brother' Skin

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Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing are ready!

Kong Yongwang waved his hand and said to the people behind him: "Go!" After saying that, he took a few steps back, planning to leave the fighting range between the two parties.

Several elemental masters behind Kong Yongwang attacked Wan Xiangxiang Mu Qing one after another!

Wan Xiangxiang:? ? ?

Mu Qing:? ? ?

The promised attack from the Light Collector!

Mu Qing, a giant ice dragon appeared and blocked the attacks of those elemental masters!

Mu Qing wondered: "Why didn't that light collector take action? Did he think he was useless against us?

Wan Xiangxiang glanced at Kong Yongwang who was standing behind the crowd. It was obvious that this was not the case...

No matter how you look at this Kong Yongwang, it makes people feel a little timid.

The two quickly dealt with these elemental masters. Mu Qing grabbed Kong Yongwang's collar and brought him to speak.

Kong Yongwang was no longer as arrogant as before, and stammered: "You, what do you want to do! I tell you, I am a light collector! You can't attack me!"

Mu Qing asked directly: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in beating up some old man. I just want to ask what attack methods your light collectors have? If you make it clear, I promise not to beat you."

Kong Yongwang felt a little relieved when he heard the other party say that he would not beat him. He just said, how could anyone dare to hit the light collector!

Kong Yongwang said: "You are right not to hit me. I am a rare light collector in the Kong family. If you hit me, the Kong family will definitely not let it go! How about this, if you let me and my grandson go, I will How about giving you a fully charged level 7 light-concentrating ball as a thank you gift?"

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing were a little confused. What was the light-gathering ball?

With that in mind, the two of them asked.

Kong Yongwang was obviously not that good at explaining, so it was up to his elemental masters to explain this issue.

The elementalist learned that Wan Xiangxiang and others had just arrived at Yongye Star, and introduced the local situation in detail.

The planet Wan Xiangxiang and others are currently on is called Yongye Star.

The reason why the Eternal Night Star is called the Eternal Night Star is because on this planet, calculated as 24 hours a day, the sunlight that can be seen is only three to four hours.

Even these four hours of sunlight are extremely harmful, and normal people cannot be exposed to such light for a long time.

Therefore, most people choose to start activities during periods when the sun's rays are weak or at night. Because it sees too little light all year round, the planet is also called the Eternal Night Star.

Most of the people living on Eternal Night Star are elemental masters and light collectors, especially light collectors. Basically, light collectors from other planets will flock to Eternal Night Star, because the light collectors here are the most popular. of!

Let’s not mention the role of light collectors and elemental masters for the moment, but say that this Eternal Night Star is actually a relatively marginal agricultural planet!

That's right! This planet with less than four hours of sunlight a day is an agricultural star!

Countless plants are grown on Evernight Star! Almost every household has land! Everyone farms! It can be said to be a planet where all people farm!

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