Chapter 528 The Last Sacrifice

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Suddenly, flying spiritual weapons one after another returned from the border battlefield, and the scene was spectacular.

Although they noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, everyone still discussed the incident.

"Didn't we, the human race, win the war on the border battlefield? Do you know what happened? Why do we have to evacuate?"

"I'm not sure, but the pressure here is too strong. I've been feeling a little weak in the past few days."

"Isn't this pressure from the Territory Lords? Do they want to monopolize the planet's resources here?"

"Come on, what kind of characters are the domain lords? How could they drive us back just because of such resources?"

"Don't you notice something unusual here? I think there might be something unusual going on with the Shadow Clan, which is why we were asked to evacuate."

Everyone's discussion continued until they returned to the inhabited planet.

After the personnel on the border battlefield quickly retreated, the defensive spiritual patterns on them were not removed.

When the war is over, it would be nice if these planets could still be preserved. After all, they are all resource stars.

Now all that's left are the unmanned resource stars.

Even so, those shadow tribesmen can't get in.

After the group quickly retreated, several Territory Lords were ready to set off.

The matter of the Nine-headed Demon Luan was of great importance, and Chu Yi and the others had no intention of revealing all these matters to avoid causing panic among the interstellar people.

The Nine-Headed Demon Luan had a terrible reputation, and few people in the Nine Realms of Brahma had never heard of it.

Although he didn't know the concept of this matter, he knew that this was a character that even a dozen strong men could not kill despite being besieged by him.

The Nine-headed Demon Luan is a representative of ferocity. Whether it treats the Shadow Clan as a breeding ground or the human race as nourishment, it is not a beast with normal views.

People at the headquarters of the Holy Blessing Alliance have often seen several domain lords gathering together in recent years, and now they are much calmer.

Intentionally or unintentionally spread by the Territory Lord, although the Nine-headed Demon Luan was not mentioned in the evil name, it was still revealed that there was a powerful enemy in the Shadow Star Territory. This time they wanted to go there, just to behead the border battlefield and not let the opponent's A powerful enemy enters the Thousand Birds Star Territory.

Do good things! That must leave a name.

Several domain chiefs maintain peace in the Chidori Star Domain, and they also hope that the territory they rule can be stable.

To maintain stability, of course, we need to let the public know who is behind this, so that these sheltered people can pay taxes willingly.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing went to say goodbye to a few people.

Chu Yi said: "You two really won't follow us?"

Wan Xiang waved his hand and said: "Lord Territory Lord, you are kidding me. What if we go there and accidentally lose our ability to the Nine-Headed Demon Luan?"

Wu Xuantian said with some pity: "It would be great if Mu Qing could always provide pills."

Wan Xiangxiang twitched his lips and said, "Don't worry, you can just eat the pills we prepared for you."

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