Chapter 535: The Heart of Origin Asks for the Spirit Crystal

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Several domain lords took turns to attack. The feathers on the Nine-headed Demon Luan were very hard, and even fire-attribute attacks were unable to deal with them. The Nine-Headed Demon Luan used a move of Annihilation Tianluo to isolate the attacks of several people.

Several domain masters believed that the attack was less effective. So he started smashing the spiritual scrolls!

This time I have to be more restrained than before. The last time I smashed the spirit patterns randomly, the energy was consumed too quickly.

The Nine-Headed Demon Luan was not a vegetarian either. He first summoned a lot of humanoid creatures with the Destiny Holy Appearance move, and also used Split Shadow Clone to summon a lot of black shadows as a means of attack.

Chu Yi and others activated the light armor Wan Xiangxiang made for them!

Chu Yi took out the fixing needle and said, "I'm going to try the power of this fixing needle too."

Several people fired the fixing needles, and black shadows were nailed to the ground. Before they could go forward to deal with them, these black shadows disappeared after a few struggles, and the fired needles returned automatically. In the fixing needle.

"The effect of this level 13 fixing needle is really good." Chu Yi was very interested in this fixing needle that can directly kill the black shadow! The fixing needle can replace the spiritual crystal as energy source, so that they will use a lot less of their own consumption.

The other people also took out the fixing needles and used them to deal with the dense crowds of people and shadows.

Wu Xuantian missed his aim and shot the fixing needle at the humanoid creature. The humanoid creature also disappeared.

This result is surprising, because these humanoid creatures have strong self-healing ability. Unless they use attacks to kill them all into scum, they can still continue to resurrect. This fixing needle undoubtedly saved several people. A hassle.

The defense capability of the light armor was not low, and for a while, the battle between the two sides came to a stalemate.

Within the built-in space of the planet space.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing entered the state of cultivation in the dimensional space opened up by the Origin Heart.

There was a pile of top-quality spiritual crystals beside them. During the two people's practice, the spiritual energy in the spiritual crystals continued to escape and merged into this dark space.

The Origin Heart has grown into a ball of light the size of a basketball. It surrounds the two of them and also absorbs the spiritual energy in the air.

In the process of absorption, the body shape is also increasing insignificantly.

The heart of origin needs to evolve and grow, and spiritual energy is indispensable for recent evolution and growth. 70,000 Xiangxiang and Mu Qing were practicing. Suddenly, Wan Xiangxiang opened his eyes while covering his eyes!

Mu Qing also noticed something unusual, opened his eyes and said, "What's wrong?"

Wan Xiangxiang felt it carefully and said, "Don't you feel it? The spiritual energy here is thin."

Mu Qing also noticed it.

Wan Xiangxiang looked around and saw that the Heart of Origin was sucking wildly above the spiritual crystal. !

Wan Xiangxiang was so pissed off!

Before they came in to practice, they had already given Origin Heart a lot of top-quality spiritual crystals, which they were going to use for practice! The use plan of these spiritual crystals is to use them in this space for three years. Now they have only been used for less than two years, and they are almost absorbed by the heart of origin.

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