Chapter 443 Ying Fanyun is frustrated

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At this time, the new batch of cucumbers have matured.

Mu Qing looked at so many giant cucumbers! It just hurts my head.

"I don't want to refine cucumbers! It's so boring!" Mu Qing frowned, looking at so many big cucumbers and completely losing his initial joy.

Wan Xiangxiang didn't force himself: "If you don't want to practice, don't do it. We still have a lot of Green Essence Gel in hand. We can sell a hundred copies a day! You can share the rest and sell it directly." also."

It wasn't that Wan Xiangxiang didn't want to accumulate enough contribution points quickly and leave Yongye Star as soon as possible. After all, Wan Hong was still lying in his planet space, and he had to find a way to treat Wan Hong quickly.

However, they have become residents of Yongye Star, and according to regulations, they must live here for three years.

Different from the ordinary residents of the Chidori Star Territory, they are people from the alien star territory, in order to facilitate the census of outsiders.

When a person wants to establish a residence in the Thousand Birds Star Territory, he must stay on the planet where he established his residence for three years, so that the locals can conduct assessment and confirm that you really did not come with other secrets.

If he has any bad intentions, he will have to face the pursuit of him by the law enforcers in this star field. Normally, the law enforcers will not care about killings and fights, but once the purpose is to target the entire galaxy, then the law enforcers will definitely intervene!

The meaning is obvious. If you become one of the Chidori Star Territory, no one will care about you when you fight with your own people. If you are a spy from another star domain and approach the Chidori Star Domain with bad intentions, it will escalate into a war between the two star domains!

People like Wan Xiangxiang who came from the small star field are not very threatening, so the observation period is only three years.

He only learned about this news from Kong Chen not long ago. Ever since he knew that no matter how much contribution they could earn, they would not be able to leave Yongye Star within three years, Wan Xiangxiang became interested. Anyway, contribution It’s worth it, just make more or less.

With Qing Cui Gel, there is no problem in earning enough contribution points to qualify for other planets within three years.

After finishing the daily operations of the farm, Wan Xiangxiang divided an acre of land and gave it to Kong Chen to plant.

Anyway, wasn't the purpose of his grandfather giving him a sum of supplies to leave him here until the matter of the Kong family was settled?

After taking care of Kong Chen, Wan Xiangxiang began to think about studying the attack enhancements of Yuanyuan and Fangfang. He had been delayed due to other things before. Now that he had time, of course he had to continue his previous research.

He needs to experiment with the fusion of various materials! Before, he was poor and had no spiritual crystal! Today is different from the past! Mu Qing's Green Essence Condensation earned him a lot of spiritual crystals! He could buy a lot of materials for testing.

However, he still knew that he couldn't sit back and rest on his laurels. He still had a lot of biyun crystals in his hand. If he purified them and sold them, he could earn a lot of spiritual crystals.

There is one more thing that Wan Xiangxiang needs to do, which is to earn points on the Weapon Refiner Trading Platform. Wan Xiangxiang has already checked it in other places. The knowledge of Weapon Refiners in other places is simply not as good as that in the Weapon Refiner Trading Association. Comprehensive!

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