Chapter 545 Spirit Summoning Wood

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Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing did not feel any malice, but they did not get closer.

Mu Qing said: "I'll try to see if I can communicate with him. Mu Qing first sent some negative spiritual energy to test the giant tree.

The giant tree also felt the difference and absorbed some spiritual energy.

Seeing that the giant tree had no resistance and no intention of attacking, Mu Qing said, "Can you understand what I'm saying?"

The tree-faced man looked at Mu Qing and didn't answer.

Mu Qing scratched his head and said to Wan Xiangxiang: "This may be due to language barrier! I will try another method."

So, Mu Qing stretched out his mental power and tried to establish mental communication with it. This time it was successful, and the two trees established a bridge of mental connection.

Mu Qing asked directly: "Are you the owner of this space? What is your breed?"

"Our family is the spirit-calling tree. I am not the master of this space, and I have never seen any humans." The body of the spirit-calling tree looks huge, but its intelligence seems not as good as that of humans, and there are not so many twists and turns.

It is somewhat interested in Mu Qing, and no other species has ever been able to communicate with it.

When Mu Qing heard that there was no owner in this space, he excitedly said to Wan Xiangxiang, "He said there is no owner in this space! I feel like I'm going to lose my temper."

Wan Liangxiang said: "Let's first take a look at what causes the spiritual energy here to be so strong."

Mu Qing nodded and continued to ask: "Do you know what treasure makes the aura here so rich?"

The spirit-calling tree heard: "What treasure? The rich spiritual energy is all due to our spirit-calling tree."

Mu Qing was a little surprised and said: "Is this all your fault? What great abilities do you, the Spirit-Calling Tree Clan, have? Tell us!" The Spirit-Calling Tree Clan has almost no means of attack, but none of the surrounding creatures can. Choose to hurt them.

The reason is very simple. The clan ability of the spirit-calling tree is to generate spiritual energy!

As long as there is a spirit-calling tree in a place, it can continuously convert some impurities in the air into spiritual energy. Moreover, the spirit-calling wood has almost no other uses except for producing spiritual energy. Once it dies, it will lose its own value.

Therefore, as long as those who know about the spirit-calling wood, no matter they are monsters or humans, they will not harm the spirit-calling wood.

Wan Xiangxiang heard the effect of the spirit-calling wood and said: "It's just a spiritual energy-making machine!"

Mu Qing praised without hesitation: "You are really good at summoning spirit trees!"

The spirit-calling tree was a little embarrassed to be praised.

Mu Qing said to Wan Xiangxiang, "Should we bring some seedlings of the spirit-calling trees back to plant? It is said that there are many seedlings here."

Seedlings of spirit-calling trees are easy to die. There are too many spirit-calling trees here, and the growing space is a bit crowded. This largest spirit-calling tree is the earliest tree here, and this forest is its descendants.

There was originally only one Spirit-Calling Tree in this space, but after a long period of time it blossomed and bore fruit, and its seeds took root and sprouted.

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