Chapter 427 Title Dog

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Wan Xiangxiang decided to be polite first, so he asked the staff to coordinate first. If these people were unreasonable! Then don't blame him for being rude!

His mental power invaded the Star Network system of the Chidori Star Territory!

Hack other people’s networks! He's still very good at it!

Wanshenglang replied to the email.

[Hello, the platform has determined that I have engaged in cheating. Can you provide detailed evidence? 】

The other party quickly sent a series of 'evidence'!

For example, Wan Xiangxiang does not have a weapon refiner level or certification.

For example, a task is completed too quickly for normal speed.

For example, the submitted material data was abnormal. The submitted sixth-level materials only had a purity of 90, but the submitted seventh-level materials actually had a purity of 95!

For example, some theories have not been confirmed by the platform and are considered fake information! (This only refers to Wan Xiangxiang providing the other party with information on weapon refining.)

Etc., etc……

Thousands of sounds were speechless.

Wan Xiangxiang replied one by one according to what the other party said.

[First, regarding the issue of the level examination of the weapon refiner, since I am not currently on the planet in the area where the soul refiner is located, I cannot conduct any examination of the weapon refiner.

Second, regarding the issue of completing tasks too quickly, my refining speed is just that fast! Your platform can completely produce similar materials to test me. Of course, you must pay me for refining the materials. Third, I don’t think there is any abnormality in the data submitted. If you examine it carefully, you will find it. , all materials refined with purity only reaching 90 will receive additional rewards in units of 10 purity, while materials refined with 95 purity will receive additional rewards in units of 5 purity!

Fourth, the information I provided are all my personal views and opinions based on my knowledge. I think it is necessary to have a certain degree of confidentiality, so I only submitted it to the task publisher! Confirmed by the task publisher, these theories of tsxdz are all feasible! However, your platform arbitrarily closed my account without investigating clearly. I hope you can find out the actual situation and give me a reasonable explanation. 】

Wan Xiangxiang sent the message, and then used the spiritual power contained in the message to find out where the other party was in the Star Network equipment.

Wan Xiangxiang silently turned on the camera and checked every move of the other party.

This staff member A received the email and didn't know how to reply for a while, so he asked B: "How do you think I should handle it here? I also checked two of the things this person said to confirm that this was the case, and the other two There is no way to verify two points.”

Staff member B is a veteran. When he saw the content of the email, he said: "Can this be the case? However, these verifications are impossible to verify. The higher-ups will definitely not be willing to spend money to complete tasks for him! This way, it cannot be verified. But you still have to report what should be reported. When the leader makes a decision, even if something goes wrong later, you don’t have to take the blame!"

Staff member A was immediately taught the lesson, contacted the supervisor immediately, and forwarded the email.

The supervisor saw the email and asked, "Is the situation stated above true?"

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