Chapter 542 The birth of a new planet

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Wan Xiangxiang squinted his eyes. The light was a bit dazzling. Mu Qing could not see the existence of the spirit patterns, so he was not affected.

After the light flashed. The whole world seemed to be frozen, and the original planets or meteorites had stopped moving. "Successful." Wan Xiangxiang was a little excited. He didn't expect that he could still achieve this level. He couldn't help but feel a little complacent. In the Thousand Birds Star Territory, probably no one could do this.

Mu Qing did not hesitate to praise him.

Wan Xiangxiang ordered: "I will activate the spiritual pattern of the central planet in a moment, and you and I will work together to push the ball into the space crack. Mu Qing nodded and responded: "Wrap it on me! "

Mu Qing seemed a little excited now.

Wan Xiangxiang prepared a lot of top-quality spiritual crystals next to the spiritual patterns. Fortunately, the planet space did not need him to provide spiritual crystals during this period of time, so he saved a sum, which came in handy now.

Thousands of sounds activate the spiritual pattern.

A bright light flashed, as if a crack appeared in the space. Wan Xiangxiang used his mental power to send a message to Mu Qing: "Get ready! Push with spiritual energy!"

At the same time, Wan Xiangxiang also accumulated spiritual energy.

The two of them used their full strength to hit a location on the planet, and a huge explosion was finally drowned in space.

At the same time, due to the impact of the attack, the entire planet's orbit changed, and it slowly entered that space.

The crack closed, and Wan Xiangxiang went to the position of the main star just now, preparing to release the planet.

Mu Qing did not follow him, but waited for Wan Xiangxiang on the spot.

The eye that held the planet with a thousand ringing sounds burst out with a burst of strange light, which almost illuminated this small area of ​​​​the star field.

Wan Xiangxiang noticed that something was about to come out in his eyes! Pain instantly swept through his body.

It's just that this pain continues, but there is still no immediate feeling of coming out of the planet space.

Wan Xiangxiang could feel that there seemed to be something in his body that he had not reached. He only heard "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounds in his body! This sound will appear every once in a while.

Wan Xiangxiang endured the concealed torture for five hours!

He cursed in his heart! The original heart only said that it would come out! But I never told her that it would be so painful for the planet to come out! What pain has he not endured? ! Such pain is truly unique! Another person would probably faint from the pain or die from the pain.

He has a ridiculous idea in his mind!

Why did he feel like he was actually giving birth!

Wan Xiangxiang couldn't hold it back and finally yelled.

Fortunately, this is space, and his voice is just a pure shout without any spiritual power. Even if he shouts, it will not spread. Mu Qing frowned: "Hey! Wan Xiang seems to be feeling very uncomfortable!"

The Dream-Eating Spider didn't take it seriously: "Isn't it just a little painful? It's not a big deal."

At this time, a bead was slowly separated from Wan Xiang's eyeball.

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