Chapter 417 Curve saves the world

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After Kong Chen was let go, his face looked gloomy, because! He thought that the most amazing grandpa actually had people he couldn't defeat! This caused his long-held belief to collapse.

Mu Qing patted the frustrated young man on the shoulder and comforted him: "Young man! You are just too impetuous. I thought I was just as arrogant as you back then! Then I encountered a tough problem! I was beaten up and even hanged. Get on the flagpole and be laughed at!”

Mu Qing clenched his fists: "Later..."

Kong Chen asked: "What happened next? Did you act low-key?"

Mu Qing looked into the distance, as if remembering something, and replied: "Later! I was still as arrogant! After I became stronger, I went back and beat up the person who beat me up!"

Kong Chen's eyes shone with hope: "So you mean, as long as I work hard, I may defeat you in the future! And then continue to live arrogantly!?"

Mu Qing glanced at him up and down and said: "Everything is possible before it happens. But you will never be able to beat me in this life! Because there is a gap in this world that can never be crossed! That is called talent. ! People with such great talents like me should fight one by one when I see them! I fight a group of people when I see a group of people! Live a life of arrogance and domineering!"

Kong Chen: "..." Then why are you talking about your balls?

Mu Qing patted his shoulder again and comforted him: "Don't be discouraged. Although you will never be able to defeat me, you can still see me and take a detour, and then wait until you become stronger..."

Kong Chen: “I’ll go back and beat you after I become stronger?”

Mu Qing waved his finger and said: "Of course it's impossible! I told you that you can't beat me! Although you can't beat me, you can beat others when you become stronger!"

Kong Chen: "..."

Kong Chen: "But didn't you say that everything is possible before it happens? It's possible that I can beat you!"

Mu Qing corrected the young man's wrong thinking and said: "In addition to 'everything is possible', there is also a wise saying called 'everything has exceptions'! Yes! I am that exception!"

Kong Chen was taught by Mu Qing that he began to doubt life, and finally went back with his grandfather.

Before leaving, Wan Xiangxiang also asked them for some local clothes! In order to avoid being surrounded by people as soon as they arrived at the city gate, after the group left, he patted Mu Qing on the shoulder and said: "I didn't expect that you can educate people!" Mu Qing nodded and said: "Now Children, it is easy to go astray, and they must be educated well! Otherwise, they will harm the next generation! I am saving the world through curves!"

Wanli came over and said: "Come on! Come into the city quickly! Otherwise the sun will rise soon!"

Soon after sunrise, the radiation of light will be very strong, and the places that process identity information will probably be closed by then.

Everyone put on local clothes and rushed to the city gate before the sun came up. Wan Xiangxiang first showed his identity and said that these people were the people he would bring into the city to apply for slave status.

The guard at the city gate asked them to go aside to apply for temporary city entry status. After getting the temporary city entry card, everyone entered the city.

Wan Xiangxiang took everyone to apply for identity information according to the original plan, bought four official resident identities, and added the remaining six people to Mu Qing's slave quota.

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