Chapter 539 The Death of the Nine-Headed Demon Luan

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"Huh?" Looking at the very familiar figure in the live broadcast, Wanli exclaimed, "Gao Qi! Come over and watch the live broadcast of the battle against the Nine-headed Demon Luan!"

"What's all the fuss about? Isn't it just the live broadcast that has been going on for more than four months and there is still no progress? It's still the same after calling back and forth. I'm tired of watching it." Le Hong said.

Le Hongyi was not originally from the Thousand Birds Star Territory, and his attitude towards the Territory Lord was certainly not as respectful as that of the local residents! However, after so many months of fighting, everyone's enthusiasm gradually cooled down.

Some time ago, when the outcome was still partially decided, everyone was speechless watching the two sides in the live broadcast: "You can't do anything to me, and I can't do anything to you." Some people even started to open the market! The bets were placed.

Just bet on how long this battle will last!

The next few months will end.

As for who will win in this battle? This is a matter of life and death in the Thousand Birds Star Territory. Which fool dares to win by buying the Nine-headed Demon Luan?

Therefore, people's goal can only be turned to time.

From the next month to the next three years!

At this time Gao Qi came out and said: "What? Is the winner determined?"

Wan Li said excitedly: "No! Come and see these two people! Are they Wan Xiang and Mu Qing?"

After hearing Wanli's words, others also came over to watch. Wanli radiated the screen so that everyone could view it together.

The battle with the Nine-Headed Demon Luan was already in decline, but now two more people brought the battle back. There was a burst of excitement on the Star Network.

Starnet once again sparked a discussion.

"I wonder if the two of them have been fighting for nearly half a year?"

"This... Although it is very serious now, why do I think it is very likely?"

"What's that on them? They look so cool!"

The topic unconsciously veered off track.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing activated the mechas, and both of them seemed to be wearing a layer of invisible giant beasts.

This also allows Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing to deal with the nine-headed demon Luan with ease.

After the Nine-Headed Demon Luan passed through nirvana just now, all the body's values ​​returned to normal, and his combat power returned to its peak state.

Yuanyuan and Fangfang quickly loaded up several domain lords and took them away.

The Nine-Headed Demon Luan was only a dozen meters in size at the beginning. Now it is slowly expanding and growing towards its largest form. Wan Xiangxiang paid close attention to the changes in the Nine-headed Demon Luan, until it grew to the size of half a planet.

Several Territory Lords were in the spaceship and had already taken pills to restore spiritual energy.

Seeing that the battle outside was about to break out, Chu Yi said, "Should we go out to help?"

"Let's take a look first." Wu Xuantian always felt that the two people in front of him were not simple. He wanted to see their strength. Besides, the meridians on their bodies were still swollen and painful, so they couldn't go out without telling them. .

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