Chapter 490: Seeking information

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After understanding the key here, Wan Xiangxiang immediately covered the energy with his mental power and quickly condensed it into spiritual liquid!

This is very pure spiritual power! Don’t let it go to waste!

On the other side, Maomao Ye, Xiao Chi and other plants also quickly pounced on the wilting black shadows, absorbing the aura from them! The owners of these black shadows were gone, so of course the black shadows were nothing to be afraid of!

A group of masters and servants were like a group of robbers, completely dividing the spiritual energy of Emperor Xi, and everyone was smiling.

Mu Qing didn't want to be empty-handed, so he searched in space and found a storage device!

Mu Qing reached out and grabbed it, shouting excitedly: "I found the storage device!"

Because he didn't know if the other party's mental power was still left in the storage device, Mu Qing didn't dare to take a look at what was inside.

Wan Xiangxiang was collecting spiritual energy. After more than an hour, he collected all the scattered spiritual energy.

Everyone returned to the spaceship. Mu Qing handed the storage ring to Wan Xiangxiang: "Open it quickly and see what's inside!"

"Since you can be a magic stick in the Shadow Clan, you should get a lot of good things!" Wan Xiangxiang said as he used his mental power to erase the mental power originally attached to it.

When he opened it, he found that there were indeed a lot of materials and spiritual plants piled inside, as well as a lot of spiritual crystals.

Wanxiang couldn’t help but laugh! The wealth of this shadow tribe's magic stick is really not comparable to that of him and Mu Qing!

The top-quality spiritual crystals alone cost two million!

The sound of the sound was evened out and thrown into the planet space, allowing the heart of origin to perfect the law of time as soon as possible!

In the end, Wan Xiangxiang did not draw the teleportation spirit pattern and send it back to the battlefield. After all, it would not be appropriate to leave the spirit pattern teleported to the border battlefield in the territory of the Shadow Clan.

The flying spiritual weapon arrived at the border battlefield after traveling for more than ten days.

After learning this lesson, Wan Xiangxiang decided to refine a faster flying spiritual weapon! So that I won’t have a chance to escape next timei

The lives of the two of them didn't seem to have changed much. Only Wan Xiangxiang knew that they needed to improve their strength faster. Although the Nine-headed Demon Luan was still sealed, it might come out sooner or later.

If he doesn't improve his strength now, he and Mu Qing will probably be the first people he looks for when he comes out.

Although there is a tall one on top, if people can rely on it, sows can also climb trees!

The most reliable thing is to rely on yourself!

If he didn't want to improve his strength as soon as possible, would he be willing to give so many spiritual crystals to the Origin Heart?

Aren't you thinking that the Origin Heart can fix the flow of time as soon as possible so that he can go in and practice?

The two returned to the border battlefield and continued to search for materials on this side. Wan Xiangxiang also needed to find materials that could improve the performance of the mecha. Yunxian Tears, who was originally used as the center of the mecha, had a stable performance of only 20! This is really It's too little.

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