Chapter 487 Temple and Emperor Xi

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Everyone knelt down and worshiped.

Wan Xiangxiang was actually a little reluctant, but in order not to attract attention. I can only kneel down together.

Mu Qing looked indifferent.

He followed the example of others and kowtowed.

The boy on the sedan opened his eyes.

He was wearing a white robe and his bare feet were on the ground.

While everyone was wearing black robes, his white clothes were somewhat elusive.

Wan Xiangxiang guessed that this young man had a relatively high status?

Is it some kind of holy son or something like that?

But soon Wan Xiangxiang knew that he had guessed wrong, because after this person stepped on the ground, he began to dance a sacrificial dance. The posture of this dance was really not very good-looking.

It's a bit like baring his teeth and claws. This...maybe not the Holy Son I thought!

The sound of drums around him accompanies his dance!

Everyone was relatively quiet and did not disturb the sacrifice.

As the young man danced, the power in the air changed.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing both have this kind of power, so this power is somewhat familiar.

This power is mixed with a little spiritual energy, and the spiritual patterns under the feet gradually light up. People without spiritual pattern eyes may not be able to see it, but Wan Xiangxiang can see it.

Soon, a phantom appeared on the spiritual pattern. Wanxiang suddenly felt a sense of oppression, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Wan Xiangxiang's mental energy was watching, and after seeing this phantom, his heart skipped a beat.

That phantom is the totem of the Nine-Headed Demon Luan!

He soon calmed down again. He knew that this race was related to the Nine-Headed Demon Luan long before he came here, didn't he?

When the thoughts of the thousands of people were flying away, five more people came up in the center of the square. Four people lifted the young man, two people lifted his arms, two people lifted his legs, and the last person hugged him. It stuck in his head.

At this time, the man holding the head took out a dagger and cut the young man's throat without hesitation. Wan Liangxiang: "..." Where is the promised Holy Son?

The young man's eyes were closed tightly, as if he was unconscious.

At this time, it is indeed true that I will lose consciousness...

Everyone is dying, okay?

The blood flowed into the spirit pattern and was absorbed by the spirit pattern without a trace.

At this moment, everyone cheered! They all stood up from their kneeling positions.

In the crowd, a few people retreated slightly. Wan Xiangxiang saw the people around him retreating, so he pulled Mu Qing back a little.

At this time, he also saw a large spiritual pattern appearing in the original place. The gods surrounding him began to take out the daggers in their right sleeves and unsheath them.

Wan Liangxiang tugged on Mu Qing's sleeve and motioned for him to follow suit.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing also pulled out their daggers.

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