Chapter 447 Kong Chen ran away angry

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After completing a series of procedures, Furukawa took people to his office!

Furukawa was so eager to invite Mu Qing to the Agricultural Association, of course, because he wanted to try the effect of squeezing the watermelon into watermelon juice!

"Brother Mu Qing, look at the new juicer I bought!" Furukawa put down the watermelon in his hand and took out a juicer suggestively.

Mu Qing took a casual look and said, "It's just average, and it doesn't look very beautiful."


Furukawa had no choice but to speak more clearly: "I haven't had time to test the effect before I bought it, so why don't you come and try it for me?"

Mu Qing looked like you really know how to joke: "Am I the kind of person who likes to work for free?"


Furukawa said bluntly: "That's the formula of watermelon juice. Can you let me try the effect?"

"I told you earlier! You're beating around the bush." ​​Mu Qing took out a few spiritual fruits, cut a piece of watermelon and put them into the juicer.

Soon, a glass of watermelon juice came out.

Looking at the chilly watermelon juice in front of him, Furukawa swallowed.

Furukawa held up the watermelon juice with a serious expression: "I want to drink it."

Mu Qing: "..." Drinking watermelon juice was like holding a ceremony.

Furukawa'GuluGulu' drank a glass of watermelon juice. The cup was put back on the table with a 'dong' sound, and a breath of cold breath came out of his mouth!


Furukawa immediately felt refreshed after drinking it! There are a lot of impurities on the body, and the spiritual energy is also risingj

Mu Qing was rushed by the momentum, his hair flying, and he quickly took a few steps back, maintaining his hairstyle. Someone around noticed that the spiritual energy here was abnormally fluctuating, and when they arrived, they discovered that it was Furukawa who was advancing! Everyone quickly activated the protection, and Mu Qing was speechless! Why does this guy advance if he wants to advance? Fortunately, I rescued the watermelon seeds!

Mu Qing said: "Besides your minister, who else is in charge?"

If Furukawa is promoted, he may not be able to grow melons in a short time, so Mu Qing has no choice but to do the next best thing and let others do it! Anyway, the contribution value after planting is his.

A staff member replied: "The deputy minister is in charge."

Mu Qing went to find the deputy minister. After chatting for a while, he found that he was okay, so he handed the seeds into his hands for the time being and told him: "Grow the watermelon as soon as possible."

He also wants to get the contribution value early to reduce the term.

Mu Qing didn't stay long and drove back with the flying spiritual weapon.

When I arrived outside Qingxiang Farm, I saw a man lying lying at the gate of the farm.

Mu Qing got off the aircraft and lifted the man up to take a look. The man's face was covered in blood and he seemed familiar. The man was originally in a coma and was treated so rudely by Mu Qing, so he woke up naturally. , his voice was very weak, he only shouted: "Mr. Mu..." and then passed out again.

Only then did Mu Qing remember who this person was, and he suddenly realized: "It turns out to be the thug next to Old Man Kong!" He had beaten someone up before, but now he felt a little embarrassed when he saw the person coming. He beat everyone, but he actually forgot about them.

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