Chapter 527 The Nine Heads of the Nine-headed Demon Luan

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Several people talked about the Nine-headed Demon Luan. Thinking that there was a high chance that they would meet in the future, Chu Yi simply told them the news they had seen in the past few days.

"The Nine-Headed Demon Luan has nine heads, and each head represents an ability. Although it has nine heads, it only has one consciousness."

"It is said that the Nine-Headed Demon Luan originally had only one ability, and that was the ability to absorb abilities. One head can store one skill." Chu Yi said and took out a scroll. There was no high technology tens of thousands of years ago. This is Technology that has only appeared in recent years can only rely on portraits and supernatural means to preserve a person's appearance.

Chu Yi unfolded the scroll, and what was painted inside was a tall and tall man.

Aura input, information about the characters in the scroll, and a translucent shadow floating above the scroll.

Chu Yi said: "This is the man who forged countless inheritance towers back then, Kong Liancang."

Wan Xiangxiang was startled, and the others also saw that although Kong Lancang's appearance was not similar to that of the Nine-headed Demon Luan, his temperament was quite consistent.

Wan Xiangxiang said: "So, is Kong Lancang also one of the clones of the Nine-Headed Demon Luan?"

"This is very likely." Zhang Lu, the leader of the soil domain, said.

Assuming that these teleportation towers were forged by the Nine-Headed Demon Luan himself, it would be really scary that Kong Liancang had been lurking in the human race for so many years.

Chu Yi said: "I don't know what the nine abilities of the current Nine-headed Demon Luan are, but according to records, all Nine-headed Demon Luan are themselves acquired by absorbing the abilities of others."

Everyone listened quietly to his speech.

Chu Yi continued: "He only has one ability. After he kills his opponent, he can rely on his racial ability to store the abilities of the person he killed in his head."

"You took out Kong Lancang's portrait just to say that his head was due to absorbing other people's weapon-refining abilities?" Wu Xuantian said.

Chu Yi nodded: "Yes, his ability is directly predatory. He can have whatever strength the opponent has."

Wan Xiangxiang thought about it and felt that this ability was somewhat similar to Qiandaomu. Qiandaomu also had the ability to steal other plants, but the essential difference was still very big.

The Nine-Headed Demon Luan's plundering is extensive, and even includes knowledge-based things that should not be grown. What kind of cultivation ability the object of plunder is, what kind of ability his head can have.

Qiandaomu cannot plunder knowledge-based abilities, and the abilities that can be plundered can only be the same as Qiandaomu itself. However, there is a benefit here, that is, the ability that Qiandaomu plunders can grow.

Chu Yi glanced at Wan Xiangxiang and said: "The plundering of the Nine-headed Demon Luan is renounceable. That is to say, if he finds a better skill, he can give up the skill he originally robbed and plunder the stronger one."

Everyone looked at Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing.

Mu Qing looked puzzled and said, "Why are you all looking at us?"

Ling Zerui said: "You two, one is a thirteenth-level weapon refiner and spiritual pattern master, and the other is a thirteenth-level alchemy master. If the Nine-headed Demon Luan robs your abilities, it will be really bad. "

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