Chapter 471 Semi-finished mecha

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Mu Qing finally replied to Xue Tianhe.

[I can’t go to a first-class planet and I won’t become a disciple. 】

[Then how on earth do you want to come to Yueluo Star to become a disciple? Just ask for any conditions! 】

Xue Tianhe subconsciously ignored the fact that the other party said he could not go to a first-class star. After waiting for a few days, he did not expect that the answer he received was a refusal!

He, Xue Tianhe, is also a great master of alchemy who can be ranked among the first-class stars, right? I finally tried to recruit a disciple but was rejected! Doesn't he want to lose face?

Although I felt a little resentful in my heart, I still held it in. As long as I got my apprentice, I wouldn't lose the next time I fight with those old ghosts for my apprentice!

Xue Tianhe was secretly proud, but he waited and waited for no reply from the other side!

After confirming that the other party really didn't mean to reply to him, Xue Tianhe secretly sulked! This guy is so ignorant! !

When Mu Qing saw that the other party was sending messages back and forth, he was still asking him to go to a first-class star, and muttered: "It's really annoying. He said he can't go to a first-class star! Why can't this person always understand human speech!"

After saying that, he stopped paying attention.

Not to mention Xue Tianhe's reaction to this, in two days it will be another day for the weapon refiner's assessment.

After Wan Xiangxiang finished the exam, he started refining the mecha again.

Time passed unconsciously.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing, two little people, generally did not attract anyone's attention. It was not until the two of them passed the level 5 alchemist and weapon refiner exams that they barely became a topic.

At this time, someone from the Weapon Refiner Association discovered that someone had taken the exam five times in a row and passed it!

Several insiders started talking.

"Isn't he a great person? Maybe he deliberately suppressed it and didn't refer to it, just to be in the limelight at this time?" This kind of situation has not never happened, but it is usually suppressed to level one to level four, compared to level five. If there were few, it would still arouse some discussion in the past, but now that the same incident occurs more often, people rarely discuss it.

"You guessed it wrong. This person came from the ninth-level planet. There is no weapon refiner assessment in Yongye Star." Another staff member looked through Wan Xiangxiang's information for a while.

"Is that the reason? I didn't expect this person to be a farmer." Yong Yexing, doesn't it mean that all the people are farming?

A few people just chatted a few words symbolically, but didn't say much. They thought that such a five-consecutive test was just a little talk after dinner.

Wan Xiangxiang has already built the mecha he conceived.

However, the final result was not as smooth as he imagined.

Wan Xiangxiang looked at the small ring he had created in front of him. This was an external shape created by compressing dozens of kilograms of material using space technology.

This discretion can appear in two different forms. One is the material form of this small circle, which is a tangible form. This form is not a combat form.

As long as the spiritual power is input, the original small ring can directly cover the whole body and become a mecha shell that conducts spiritual power and is the same as the own body. This mecha shell is translucent, somewhere between tangible and invisible. In between, this is another form of this material. The refining process must take both sides into consideration!

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