Chapter 533 The disappeared inheritance tower

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Wan Xiangxiang talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the spirit plate, and finally handed the things into Wu Xuantian's hands. After accepting the things, how could he not find someone else?

Seeing that Wan Xiangxiang handed the spirit plate to Wu Xuantian without hesitation, Chu Yi felt a little uncomfortable. They were obviously domain masters, so why did they act as if Wu Xuantian was their leader.

Chu Yi said: "Why don't you prepare a few more? You should have one each!"

Wan Xiangxiang was not happy: "There is only one wisp of breath, how can you make so many spirit pattern disks!"

Chu Yiyou's eyes widened. He hadn't seen him for a long time, but Wan Xiang actually dared to refute him like this.

The Territory Lords are not fools either. Although Wan Xiangxiang is not yet at the realm of God Enlightenment, he is not far away from it. Although he may have taken too many drugs and affected his subsequent training progress, with Wan Xiangxiang's methods, There is no problem in escaping from a few of them.

He is the only level 13 weapon refiner and level 12 spirit pattern master in the Thousand Birds Star Territory, not to mention Mu Qing is also the only level 13 alchemy master!

If you are confident enough, why do you still need to hold on to them, the Territory Lords?

Several domain owners also knew that they had to go out, but.

Chu Yi said: "Do you have anything with a good protective effect? ​​Any spirit pattern weapon will do."

Wan Xiangxiang frowned and said, "Is it a protective spiritual weapon or spiritual pattern? I went out in a hurry and forgot to bring it with me, so I'll come back to you tomorrow."

Wan Xiangxiang naturally didn't refine any special defensive weapons, but he could definitely go back and refine a few.

Wan Xiangxiang used the materials for refining mechas to make a set of light armor.

As for the kind of mechas he and Mu Qing have in their hands, forget about it. The best thing is of course to keep it for yourself!

Besides, he really doesn't have that much material in hand at the moment.

The next day Wan Xiangxiang summoned several domain owners again.

Wan Xiangxiang gave one person a bracelet.

Several people looked at the bracelet with some confusion.

Wan Liangxiang said: "Try to input spiritual power."

Several domain owners followed suit.

Suddenly, several people realized that they were wrapped in something.

Upon inspection, each person seemed to be covered with a layer of transparent armor.

"Is this armor?" Chu Yi moved his hands, and the layer attached to his body seemed to be his body.

Wan Xiangxiang: "That's right, light armor."

Wan Xiangxiang didn't have much explanation. He listed the main methods of use. He focused on defense with this light armor. After all, this is like the earliest mecha developed by Wan Xiangxiang, but it is better than that. At least all attribute bonuses have been increased by 50.

After several domain owners received the elixirs and spiritual energy given by Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing, they began to search for the whereabouts of the Nine-headed Demon Luan.

Time was running out, and several domain owners set out again the next day.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing quietly sent away a few people. This was of course because most people didn't know about the return of several domain lords. After several Territory Lords left, Wan Xiangxiang's expression became solemn.

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