Chapter 563

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"Is this your wife? You two look quite matched." Mu Qing turned to Zhang Xiner who was standing aside.

Kong Yongwang quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no..."

Before she finished speaking, Mu Qing planned to say: "You all live together, how could she not be your wife? Don't you think you are unworthy? In fact, year-end love is quite normal nowadays, especially for someone like you No one dares to say anything about such an outstanding person.”

"That's not true, Xin'er is..." Kong Yongwang quickly defended.

Mu Qing interrupted again: "Don't worry, you two are still a good match. Just because you are the grandfather of a tenth-level alchemist, you can be worthy of any woman who has smoked, and marrying you is an honorable thing." , as long as I marry you, I will be the grandmother of a tenth-level alchemist! Who would be unhappy?"

Mu Qing turned to look at Zhang Xiner and said, "Do you think so?"

Zhang Xiner couldn't react for a moment, and the dog-leg factor in her heart broke out and she replied: "You are right!"

Kong Yongwang's eyes widened, he didn't expect Zhang Xiner to say such words.

Zhang Xiner was also confused! Wait, she wants to marry a tenth-level alchemist instead of his grandfather! But it doesn’t seem right for her to answer no to Mu Qing’s question!

Mu Qing smiled.

There was a lot of music, but he didn't expect Mu Qing to play such a trick.

"Are they not worthy?" Mu Qing asked the spirit refiners waiting around.

"Deserving!" Everyone agreed.

Mu Qing nodded with satisfaction: "You see, everyone thinks it's a good match!"

Kong Yongwang was left speechless. Just as he was about to say something, Mu Qing spoke first: "If there's nothing else, we'll leave first. The two planets we've developed are still waiting for our guidance."

Mu Qing left a message and left with Wan Xiangxiang.

Being said to be a good match for his future grandson-in-law, Kong Yongwang didn't know how to bring up Zhang Xiner and Kong Chen's marriage to Mu Qing again, and could only watch as Mu Qing and Wan Xiangxiang left.

Mu Qing left Kong Yongwang's residence triumphantly, and went to supervise the coolies' construction of the planet with Wan Xiangxiang.

Kong Chen also made progress. After Zeng Fei was promoted to cultivation, Kong Chen handed him another pill, which was his previous request.

After Mu Qing and Wan Xiangxiang continued construction for a period of time, Wanli's child was not far away from being born.

Mu Qing rushed to prepare a pill for Wanli before the child was born.

Wan Li looked at the elixir sent by Mu Qing and said with caution, "Isn't this another weird deceptive elixir?"

Mu Qing shook his head and said: "No, no! This is a good medicine for the baby, which will make the child have good qualifications after birth."

Wanli took the elixir dubiously and said, "When will I give it to the baby?"

Mu Qing said: "You eat! The baby is still young and cannot be eaten directly. After you take it, the medicine will pass through you first and then feed back to the baby. In this way, the direct stimulation to the baby will be reduced."

Wanli thought about it and ate it.

Not long after Wanli ate it, he felt a bulge in his belly. He smiled and said, "Look at my baby kicking my belly!"

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