Chapter 440 If you have something to say

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Wan Xiangxiang also came over after asking why he wanted to leave a bad review, and the two went back to check the order together.

There are actually people buying Qingcui Gel! Once you buy it, you’ll still get +1 bottle!

Mu Qing caught Wan Xiangxiang and praised him fiercely: "The method you proposed must have worked! This person must have seen the discount in our store and was afraid that he would lose such a good opportunity in the future! That's why he bought this at once Stay tuned! The idea you came up with, Wan Xiang, is really effective! You are the smartest!"

Wan Xiangxiang was a little overwhelmed by the praise, so he just nodded to show his modesty.

However, he also had doubts in his heart: "It stands to reason that our giant cucumbers have been registered in the association! Why are there only a few people buying them? On the contrary, more Green Cuisine Gel is bought!"

Mu Qing tentatively said: "Maybe they think cucumber has no taste, why not go back and apply a facial mask?"

Wan Xiangxiang: "..." It would be great if that were really the case.

Wan Xiangxiang thought for a while, then patted his head: "The name we registered is and the information of our store may not match, and others can't find it through searches! Let's change the name of Cucumber back first!"

Thinking of the crux, she immediately ordered Yuanyuan to change the name of the cucumber to giant cucumber.

Just as Wan Xiangxiang expected, not long after the product name was changed, Qingxiang Shop had an influx of users!

In the store, it will display how many people are browsing online. When Wan Xiangxiang saw it, there were more than 500 people.j

The giant cucumbers that were only being bought one after another were sold out in no time!

Yuanyuan looked at the data and said, "The cucumbers are sold out."

Of course Wan Xiangxiang saw it, but the speed was too fast! It only took two minutes! Yuanyuan began to process the order, and sent over three hundred large cucumbers one by one according to the information.

The cucumbers here have just been sold out, and other spiritual vegetables in the store are also being targeted!

There were only so many giant cucumbers available, and some people bought more than one, so many people left empty-handed.

So these empty-handed people saw things like spiritual vegetables going up.

These netizens who followed the giant cucumber were surprised to find that the other spiritual vegetables in this store also had very high points! Even if you can’t use it yourself, you can still use it for your juniors!

So it was sold out again.

Yuanyuan looked at the many orders that came in all of a sudden and was so busy that she was about to freeze.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing's shops originally had a lot of materials and ordinary elixirs hanging on them. The materials were nothing special, but these elixirs were of excellent quality! Moreover, there are also level 7 and 8 elixirs, so the man who returned empty-handed stretched out his claws towards the elixirs again!

At a time when the store has received a lot of attention, Qingcui Gel naturally appeared in front of everyone! Everyone was originally deceived by the 40 bite point value. After seeing that the bite point value here is actually the content per can, another wave of people bought it! Especially the female nuns, they wish they could buy more bottles.

The whole process only takes five minutes! All the items related to spiritual plants and elixirs in Qingxiang Shop were sold outi

"Isn't this too fierce?" Wan Xiangxiang couldn't help but sigh. Are the people in the Chidori Star Territory so fast?

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