Chapter 507: The Shadow Clan's Sacrifice

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Wan Liangxiang thought about it, no wonder so many people entered the mission hall. Those people were probably soul refiners who failed to meet the standards. At this time, they were thinking of improvising.

Thinking about it, this selection was too sudden. Originally, there were still two years to prepare for those who were usually lazy, but now the plan was disrupted.

Due to the large number of people, this easy task has probably been taken away. The further you go, the more difficult the task will be.

Two thousand people need to be selected for this selection. The status of these two thousand people will exist as a higher-level leadership position. The soul refiners who are left behind in the Holy Blessing Star will also need to be on the battlefield for the flying birds in the later stage. The effectiveness of the Star Territory is just due to the different status.

When he learned that the selection was about to begin, Wan Xiangxiang knew that his opportunity had come.

In order to contact the upper echelons of the Holy Blessing Alliance, he has been working hard to improve his cultivation level these days! In addition to being able to get in touch with the upper class earlier, there is another very important thing. If your strength is too low, you must stay humble in front of those in power.

At least you must have enough confidence, after all, even the Territory Lord cannot handle the Shadow Clan's attack completely on his own!

This also shows in disguise that the Shadow Clan actually has the existence of the God Realization Realm. Otherwise, if the four domain masters were to go and have a look, why wouldn't the Shadow Clan be easy to capture?

Why do these Shadow Clan keep fighting for resources in the Thousand Birds Star Territory?

All these signs prove that the opponent also has a strong person in the realm of enlightenment!

Even if he enters the Holy Blessing Alliance, he may not be able to meet the Territory Lord, unless he is good enough, so good that even the Territory Lord knows his name, so that he can get the chance to be summoned. Otherwise, I'm afraid Even if he died on the battlefield, the Territory Lord would not even look at him.

While the Shengyou Planet was busy, in the Shadow Star Territory on the other side of the border battlefield, tens of millions of Shadow Clan members were gathering on a planet.

The people of the Shadow Clan here are all above the Shaping Yuan Realm. The outer circle is the Shaping Yuan Realm, the Shaping Spirit Realm, and the Shaping God Realm. The middle ones are the Xuan Dao Realm, the Xuan Yi Realm, and the Xuan Zun Realm.

What they are surrounding is a huge square! There are spiritual patterns engraved in the square. The grooves of the spiritual patterns are half a meter deep, with red blood flowing inside.

In the center of this spiritual pattern is a hollowed-out pool, and what is in the pool is thick blood.

Surrounded by these people, someone soon came forward tying a tree.

The bound spiritual weapon seemed to be painted with spiritual patterns, and the sapling could only twist and struggle in the binding! The sapling twisted, and a yellow light lit up on the bound spiritual weapon. It was obvious that the binding of the sapling was not ineffective.

The twisting of the saplings was accompanied by these calls. Unfortunately, these shadow tribesmen seemed not to hear them and were completely indifferent.

Several members of the Shadow tribe who were carrying the saplings quickly walked to the side of the blood pool. With pious expressions on their faces, the Shadow tribe members knelt down towards the center and then lifted up the saplings and threw them into the blood pool.

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