Chapter 503 Holy Blessed Star

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Wherever Wan Xiangxiang has spoken, it is like locusts passing by! Thousands of people came here to come! But he was beaten down by Wan Xiangxiang!

Those soul refiners who bear the beetle mark are naturally eager to get excited when they see so many marks on Wan Xiangxiang's body, but those seven beetle marks are so eye-catching, maybe he is really capable! Wouldn't it be wonderful if you get knocked down when you get up there? So I watched those people without marks come forward to test it first!

After this temptation, the remaining people who have the mark of the Beetle are even less willing to step forward and give away their lives!

Even if they can defeat Wan Xiangxiang, they may be chased and beaten by those behind them!

Look at the scene of birds and beasts scattering!

Wan Xiangxiang felt that he seemed to have made a mistake. Why did all these people run away?

It took two days and I still didn’t get the Beetle mark! Wan Xiangxiang was a little irritated. He originally just wanted to fight quickly and then go to Mu Muqing, but after several groups of people were seriously injured, none of them really had the mark of the Beetle!

He wants to follow the bell to find the Beetle! As a result, the bell sounded too far away every time, and he hadn't arrived at the scene yet! The ringing of the heart came from the other direction!

This is simply going against him!

"Boom--" The bell rang again, and the speed of the flying spiritual weapon with thousands of sounds was turned to the extreme! Go quickly towards the direction where the bell is coming from! After half a day, I finally saw two people fighting in a place!

Take a look! This should be it!

People are still fighting and the bells are still ringing! I must have gotten the golden bell flower!

Wan Xiangxiang randomly picked up a binding spiritual weapon! It directly trapped the two fighting people together!

Wan Xiangxiang went down immediately. After finding the fuchsia flower, he saw the beetle again!

He breathed a sigh of relief! This time he finally found one. After accepting the mark, Wan Liangxiang's attention returned to the two people who were fighting just now.

"You two should also have the mark of the Beetle, right?" Wan Xiangxiang narrowed his eyes dangerously, not even paying attention to the bell ringing in the distance!

The two soul refiners who were trapped together suddenly became alert.

However, it was all to no avail...

After Wan Xiangxiang beat two people seriously, they snatched two Beetle Marks.

After the mark was imprinted on his forehead, Wan Xiangxiang also disappeared.

Mu Qing gnawed on the dried meat with some boredom, indifferent to Ji Kongyang's persuasion.

Ji Kongyang said: "You can go down and wait for him first, and you can get familiar with the environment in advance. It's actually not bad."

Mu Qing said: "No need, he will definitely come here soon."

Ji Kongyang was speechless and said, "You said the same thing yesterday."

Mu Qing waited for him.

Ji Kongyang added: "You said the same thing the day before yesterday."

Mu Qing was about to get up and teach this man a lesson! There may be things that Wanxiangxiang cannot do! This man is always talking alarmist words in his ears, it's annoying!

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