Chapter 524 The Four Territory Lords Gather

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Chu Yi asked: "What's going on?"

Wan Xiangxiang said: "This group of power is dangerous to the outside world, so we thought of a way to trap it."

The flying star phoenix tassel fire seemed to have intelligence and was torn apart from its original power. In the process, the size of the flying star phoenix tassel fire was seen to grow from the original size of a fist to bigger and bigger!

Wan Xiangxiang thought to himself, it seems that this power is a great supplement to Feixing Fengyinghuo!

If only I could try it myself!

Wan Xiangxiang shook his head, feeling that he was a little too greedy. How could he be able to control something that even a spiritual refiner in the realm of enlightenment could not digest!

The Territory Lord felt his own situation. Although his cultivation level had dropped a bit, it did not prevent him from using the power of the God Enlightenment Realm! The Territory Lord took off his white blue-patterned robe and put on a sexy red outfit!

Wan Xiangxiang: "..."

Wan Xiangxiang wants to say, the new clothes I worked so hard to forge! Territory owner with really nice style! Is your style from decades ago?

Why! If you can’t beat me, just shut up!

Wan Xiangxiang was originally worried that Feixing Fengyinghuo might not be able to beat him in a fight, but it turned out that he was overly worried. Feixingfengyinghuo quickly swallowed up all the power, and the mass of fire grew to the size of a basketball. !

The basketball fire god seemed to burp, and then floated back to Mu Qing's body.

The problem of the Territory Lord traveling deep into the mountains has been completely solved.

Mu Qing immediately took out a few pills and said, "Lord Territory Lord! I see that your cultivation has also been affected. Do you need to buy a few pills to replenish your cultivation? These are pills to improve your cultivation! Made from level 13 materials!"

Watching Mu Qing spare no effort to promote his somewhat inferior elixir in the same manner as a Dali Pill, Wan Xiangxiang felt dumbfounded.

Wan Liangxiang said: "The domain owners can buy them all, the high-grade ones can be taken by themselves, and the mid-grade ones can be negotiated with other domain owners."

Chu Yi didn't expect such an unexpected surprise, and said with a smile: "I want all these pills! You can choose what you need from my private treasury! You saved me, and I won't be stingy with such useful things. Something big!”

Several storage utensils were thrown over, and Wan Xiangxiang thought to himself, rich people are confident!

There are so many level 13 materials and spiritual grasses and spiritual objects thrown over here at any time!

Wan Xiangxiang has treated the Territory Lord well this time, so he deserves some reward. So Mu Qing and I took the storage space to choose from.

Chu Yi on the other side was in a good mood and didn't care what they had taken. Instead, he took out a communication tool between domain masters and summoned several domain masters to gather together.

After Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing picked out some things they needed to use, Chu Yi said: "I have summoned the great domain masters to meet. I will leave for the headquarters in two days. You can follow me."

Of course Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing only agreed, so they took their things and went back to prepare for the time being.

Wan Xiangxiang first went to the mission hall, where he exchanged some level 12 materials for making mechas.

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