Chapter 506 Solution to the Problem

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Mu Qing stared at a dozen people and asked, "Do you feel anything?"

The few men in black kept silent. They were still under control and could not have any obvious rebellious behavior!

Mu Qing also knew that he couldn't get any information out of these guys' mouths, so he just went ahead and fed each one another.

During the time when Mu Qing asked people to test the medicine, Ningxia one after another thought of some elixirs and elixirs that he had taken.

After Mu Qing tested them one by one, he finally found a magical medicine among a bunch of medicines.

This elixir has a special effect on the peeling of Wanhuanhua, but this effect is a bit weak. If it is just assimilated, it can still be peeled off, but now it has been too long, and a mark has been formed. I want one. I'm afraid it's not possible to solve the problem with a magical medicine. Mu Qing used this elixir as a basis and combined it with other spiritual plants to refine it and create a pill!

After the elixir was produced, Mu Qing found someone to conduct an experiment and successfully extracted the power of the Wanhua Flower from the body of an assimilated spirit refiner.

As soon as the power of the Wan Huan Hua left the soul refiner's body, it floated into the air.

Mu Qing looked at the dissipated power and secretly felt distressed. If this could be put into the planet space as a nutrient, it could support a lot of spiritual crystals!

The sect leader and Elder Qiu were also watching, and when they saw the energy being drained, they felt only joy in their hearts!

Elder Qiu clapped his hands and said, "It's done!"

Both of them couldn't help but be happy, but Mu Qing said: "I'll study it again!"

After Mu Qing's hard research, he changed the use of ammunition again. After the elixir was refined, he found another person who had been assimilated by Wanhuanhua to test it!

Mu Qing directly fed the person the elixir and waited for the effect to occur. Soon, a trace of power was extracted from the body of the spirit refiner. However, this time the power did not dissipate, but appeared in mid-air. It condensed into a pill!

Mu Qing's eyes lit up when he saw this pill! This is really done!

Elder Qiu and the sect leader were a little confused. Elder Qiu asked: "What is this elixir?"

Mu Qing waited for the elixir to take shape and took it in his hand: "This is the energy that has been stripped out. I thought it would be a waste if it dissipated, so I just used it! This elixir still contains a lot of energy. I We will study it later to see if it can have other effects."

He said that he wanted to study it, and he had already made up his mind at level ten, saving it for use when upgrading the planet space.

"Is this just as dangerous?" Elder Qiu asked worriedly.

Mu Qing said nonsense with a serious face: "There should be some danger! So after the assimilated people take the elixir and separate their power, they must remember to leave it to me for safekeeping! You must tell me! Don't Leaked!"

These powers have been condensed into elixirs. Of course, it is not that simple to leak them. He is alarmist. Of course, he wants others to hand over the separated powers to his hands. Otherwise, if someone takes advantage of the elixirs, Then he will lose money! He also deliberately added two kinds of spiritual plants to the original one!

Mu Qing handed the remaining elixir to the sect master and told him: "If you give it to other sects, remember to collect the spirit crystals! You must also watch them eat them and take back the elixir condensed from the stripped power." ! You must take it out!”

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