Chapter 548

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Gao Qi and others did not go to the relatively safe border planets, but traveled among various undeveloped planets. It was this experience that allowed them to grow faster in danger.

After listening to their experiences over the years, Wan Xiangxiang looked at his senior brother and said, "Senior brother, why don't you learn to make weapons?" Le Hongyi was also a good armor maker when he was in the primitive star field. Coming.

Le Hongyi is really not good at making mechas. In the past, it was because he was Shen Jichen’s apprentice. What’s the point of not knowing how to make mechas?

Now that he is married to Shen Jichen, there is no need to touch those things anymore.

In fact, compared to the auxiliary type such as weapon refining, he feels that he advocates force more.

Le Hongyi said with a proud smile: "What does it matter if I don't know how to refine weapons? My wife can do it. By the way, why don't you two have any news? Apart from Wan Hong, you two are the only ones here who haven't..."

Wan Xiangxiang interrupted: "We have already received the certificate! There will also be a wedding in a while. However, the venue has not been sorted out yet. Once it is sorted out, it will be a super grand wedding!"

Le Hong curled his lips and said no more.

The two masters and apprentices, Wan Xiangxiang and Shen Jichen, went down to talk alone. In fact, Shen Jichen had some unclear questions about the weapon refining, and Wan Xiangxiang offered to answer them for him.

Shen Jinchen said a little awkwardly: "Originally you were my apprentice, but now I have to ask you for advice."

Wan Xiangxiang shook his head and smiled: "Master, you don't have to be so open-minded. Didn't you protect me when I was low in cultivation?"

Regardless of his personality, Shen Jinchen is very defensive.

Before Wan Xiangxiang grew up, Shen Jiichen also blocked a lot of trouble for him, and he spared no effort when teaching Wan Xiangxiang. Wan Xiangxiang was not a white-eyed wolf, so he naturally wanted to be good to his own people.

It's just a little effort, and it's not a matter of hard work. If you care too much, it will look too polite.

Wan Xiangxiang and Shen Jinchen went to discuss weapon refining, and Wan Li chatted with Mu Qing for a while.

Wanli rubbed his hands and said, "Tell me, how does it feel to have saved the world?"

When they were in middle school, their dream was probably to save the world and dominate the universe.

Mu Qing was a little confused and scratched his head. He seemed to have realized his idea by accident.

Mu Qing shook his head and said: "I didn't think so much! If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten! I actually saved the world!"

Wan Li said speechlessly: "You don't mean to show off in front of me, do you?"

Of course Mandai also wants to be the one who dominates the world! But trying to dominate here is probably impossible, but at least my brother has dominated the world! It’s being uploaded on StarNet now.

Mu Qing innocently said: "No, I have been hiding all these years because I was afraid of being hunted down. Otherwise, wouldn't I have never looked for you? If we had contact, maybe that Nine-Headed Demon Luan would hunt you down." Caught him and vented his anger."

They had also considered this possibility before.

Mu Qing said with some pride: "Although you can't dominate the world, you can be the younger brother of the person who dominates the world!"

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