Chapter 474 Su Wanrou lost contact

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Just after the last layer was untied, the person in front of him started twitching.

Depend on!

Wan Xiangxiang just wanted to curse! This means that the spirit pattern is actually a trap! Once someone unlocks it or fails to touch it, that person will die!

do not care! Thousands of spiritual invasions! Directly extract part of the other party's brain information!

As soon as Wan Xiangxiang got some information out, the Yuan Shaping Realm opponent died.

Wan Xiangxiang's head hurt, and his mental strength was also slightly traumatized.

This person who set the trap is really cunning! If he had the mental power of an average person, he would probably suffer almost irreversible trauma. Fortunately, his mental power was strong at the beginning, so the backlash he received was not too strong.

Mu Qing frowned at Wan Xiangxiang and asked with concern: "Are you injured?"

Wan Xiangxiang waved his hand: "It's no big deal."

Wan Hong asked: "Did you get any news?"

Wan Liangxiang said: "Not many, I only heard some key words." As he said that, he began to rummage through the things on the dead man in black and found a wooden plate with spiritual patterns engraved on it.

"What is this?" Mu Qing asked.

Wan Xiangxiang input spiritual power into it, and a map with a radius of five hundred miles appeared on the wooden plate.

There is a faint red dot on the map.

Wan Liangxiang pointed at the red dot and said, "This is our location."

"So, we are their target?" Wan Hong asked.

Wan Xiangxiang glanced at him and said, "To be precise, you are their target."

Wan Hong pointed at himself: "Me?"

Wan Xiangxiang nodded and said: "It's the Frost Ink Fantasy Flower on your body. This thing can detect the location of the Frost Ink Fantasy Flower."

At this time, he also remembered that on Yongye Star, there were people who killed Kong Chen because of the seeds of Frost Ink Magic Flower! Then he would venture to guess that these two parties might be the same group of people!

Wan Xiangxiang just got some scattered things from those remaining memories, plus Kong Chen was attacked on Yongye Star last time. These characteristics are enough to prove that whether it is a ninth-magnitude star or the current third-magnitude star, they seem to have traces of them!

Calculating this, the reach of this force is quite large.

Putting aside the matter about this force for the moment, let's see how to cover up the aura of frost and ink on Wan Hong's body.

If this problem is not solved, Wan Hong may continue to be hunted. It would be okay if Wan Hong stayed with him and Mu Qing. It is generally difficult for opponents to win, but the problem is that Wan Hong cannot always be there. Follow them. Once they leave to find materials suitable for the mecha, Wan Hongke will have to face the enemy directly.

It was probably impossible to take Wan Hong with him all the time. There was no danger in the place they were going. If he and Mu Qing couldn't take care of it, wouldn't Wan Hong's rescue be in vain?

Wan Xiangxiang said: "You should go into my space first, so as not to encounter more troubles along the way." Wan Hong naturally had no objection, and he couldn't cover up the aura on his body.

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