Chapter 565 Little Fruit

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Everyone knew that Mu Qing had fruit long ago. After all, Mu Qing always liked to bask in the sun.

Therefore, no one was too surprised when they saw Mu Qing coming back with a piece of fruit.

Several dolls poked their heads in and looked curiously at the fruit in Mu Qing's arms.

Wanli and Gao Qi's baby is named Qiuqiu. Qiuqiu drooled from the corner of her mouth and said with a milky voice: "It smells so good. This fruit smells so fragrant and delicious."

Kong Chen and Zeng Fei's baby pancake next to them also drooled after hearing this.

Shen Jinchen and Le Hongyi's children were a little more reserved, but their curious eyes never stopped.

Wan Xiangxiang stepped forward and blocked the sight of these children. Their fruits could not be coveted.

Wan Xiangxiang took out the cradle he had just made, spread it with a quilt, and asked Mu Qing to put the fruit in it.

Everyone gathered around, and Qiuqiu asked Wanli, "Dad, why does the fruit have to be in the cradle in the house?"

"Because that is the baby of Uncle Wan Xiang and Uncle Mu Qing, and the baby will sleep in the cradle." Wan Li grabbed Qiuqiu's paw that wanted to poke the fruit and said, "Don't move."

Not to mention Qiuqiu, Xiaobing was also very curious about this fruit, and his little hands were ready to move.

The fruit has fallen to the ground, but there seems to be no sign of coming out.

Wanli asked Mu Qing, "When will this baby come out? Isn't it going to have to stay in the fruit for a few more years?"

Mu Qing himself was not very sure, so he guessed: "It should be out in a few days."

Mu Qing's wild guess was somewhat correct, and the fruit did crack after a few days.

On the day the fruit cracked, a lot of spiritual energy gathered, forming a small spiritual energy storm. Others were slightly attracted.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing stood guard. After absorbing enough spiritual energy, the top of the red fruit began to crack.

Both of them stared intently, with tension and anticipation in their hearts.

The fruit trembled a few times, and the crack became wider and wider, and finally opened in half, revealing the wet baby inside. His hair was very light, a bit more gray-green.

"It's out." Mu Qing quickly went over to check.

The baby did not cry like a normal child, but lay on the outer skin of the fruit and chewed it.

After these peels are held in the baby's mouth, they seem to turn into ** and melt.

The baby was holding a piece of fruit peel and chattering with gusto.

The two silly fathers looked at such a young child at a loss.

Mu Qing said: "This is our baby."

Wan Liangxiang nodded: "Yes, do you want to give me a hug?"

Mu Qing shook his head fiercely: "No, my hand is too strong. I'm afraid the child won't be able to bear it. You better hold it. I can rest assured no matter what you do."

Wan Lingliang moved his fingers. In fact, he was not very confident about himself. The doll was a bit small and his two big hands seemed to be able to hold it.

At this time, two little devils approached quietly while the adults were not paying attention.

Wan Xiangxiang has discovered these two dolls.

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