Chapter 412 Battle against Dream-Eating Spider

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To Wan Xiangxiang's expectation, Shen Jinchen was indeed found, but Le Hongyi was not there.

Shen Jinchen said calmly: "He went to other planets to hunt down Qin Shen."

Wan Xiangxiang didn't expect that such an operation could be done!

Senior brother is really dedicated to his duties! Even in his dreams, he never forgets to chase Qin Shen! This shows how obsessed he is with Qin Shen...

"Forget it, I guess senior brother won't be back for a while." Wan Xiangxiang no longer bothered about Le Hongyi's affairs. He first awakened Shen Jichen's memory, so that he could do more to break the dream. Helped.

The five of them had recovered their memories. Shen Jichen called Le Zhangyi back on the phone. He was on his way back.

"I'm not familiar with the remaining six people. What do you think?" Wan Xiangxiang asked everyone's opinions directly. The more people can recover their memories, the higher their chances of winning will be.

Several people shook their heads. They were not familiar with the geniuses cultivated by those hidden families at all.

Wan Xiangxiang simply gave up the idea of ​​looking for these five people. He could only wait for the spider and the dream-eating spider to develop a good friendship!

But at this time, the spider did not develop any friendship with the dream-eating spider of the same race as Wan Xiangxiang thought! It followed the smell and gradually approached the energy source of this dream. The spider ran away like crazy, pounced on the energy source and was completely unwilling to come down!

The spider is absorbing the power inside like crazy...

As the energy absorbed by the spider gradually increases, the entire dream world is also rapidly collapsing.

People all over the world were fleeing, and the collapsing sky seemed like a doomsday scene.

"The sky is falling!"

"The end is coming!"

People on the street had no way to escape and could only look at the sky helplessly.

Seeing the rich expressions on these people's faces, Wan Xiangxiang almost suspected that this world was real and the dream they thought was fake.

But with Spider's confirmation, they must be in a dream! These dream actors!

The dream collapsed, and everything in sight was blurred.

Wan Xiangxiang woke up from his sleep, and was still surrounded by the spaceship.

The people around him also woke up. The children of the hidden family seemed to be a little unable to react. Because they had not recovered from the dream, their memories had gaps.

"What's going on? Why am I here?"

"My cultivation! My cultivation has actually reached the holy level!"

Mu Qing looked at these people with some sympathy, and murmured to Wanli, "Aren't these people stupid?"

Wanli patted his chest and said with some fear: "Fortunately we thought of the matter in advance, otherwise we might be as stupid as these people."

Wan Xiangxiang raised his forehead, but there was still business at hand: "Mu Qing, first give them a few pills to restore their mental strength.

Mu Qing reluctantly took out the elixir. He originally wanted these people to give them something to exchange for, but it turned out that the things these people gave them had long been useless to them. There was also a pile of pills in his own space ring. Heap!

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