Chapter 549 Master and Disciple Meet

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Zeng Fei didn't like Kong Chen. Although Kong Chen came from the planting planet, for some reason, his ability to identify spiritual plants was very good and his ability to deal with spiritual plants was not inferior to him.

In addition, Kong Chen has a good appearance, and many hostesses in the casual cultivator group have said that Kong Chen is good. The two are about the same age, and they are inevitably compared. After such observation, he also heard that The female soul refiner he admired said behind his back that he and Kong Chen were both about the same age, why did Zeng Fei grow so fat? Zeng Fei was naturally not convinced, but he had little choice but to hold his breath.

It wasn't until he was accepted as a disciple by Grandmaster Wu that he felt proud and proud.

Zeng Fei was a little distracted by everyone's looks, but when he looked at Kong Chen again, the guy didn't react at all!

This made Zeng Fei very unhappy. What Zeng Fei liked most was bragging about Grandmaster Wu's abilities in front of Kong Chen.

This time was no exception. Look at Kong Chen and he actually laughed at him!

Zeng Fei was so angry that he forgot that he was on a flying spiritual weapon.

It's just that he has already taken action. If he stops now, he will lose face.

Zeng Fei had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "It's not impossible if you want me to stop. You should apologize to me now!"

Kong Chen rolled his eyes: "You did it for no reason and you asked me to apologize to you? Are you out of your mind?"

How could Kong Chen be a good-tempered person? When he was still in Yongyexing, he was also a sideways person! It’s just that I became more temperamental after becoming a teacher!

Being restrained does not mean that you have completely changed your ways.

The atmosphere between the two was tense, and several teammates around them didn't know how to react.

A female spirit refiner advised: "Kong Chen, it's not good to make this matter a big deal. Why don't you just make amends to Alchemist Zeng? Is this the end of it?"

Kong Chen ignored her words, and the female soul refiner's face was a little embarrassed.

However, the two did not quarrel in the end because the people in the flying spiritual weapon came forward to coordinate.

In short, it suppressed both of them temporarily.

Zeng Fei put down his cruel words and said: "You will be good-looking when we get there!"

Kong Chen didn't bother to pay attention to his unreasonable troubles.

The flying spiritual weapon docked on Feng Mars two days later.

Kong Chen immediately sent a message to Mu Qing and received a reply soon.

Mu Qing asked him to find a place to prepare, and he came to pick them up immediately.

The people in the casual cultivator team were about to leave, but Kong Chen refused to go with them: "I want to wait here, so let's separate here."

Zeng Fei snorted disdainfully: "Why, are you afraid that we will see your friends who farm together?"

Everyone was silent for a while, not knowing how to talk.

Kong Chen frowned and said: "Do you know that you are really annoyed? You have so much time, please go to Grandmaster Wu quickly!" Zeng Fei's face turned red from holding back, but he didn't expect that Kong Chen would dare to refute him directly, and his tone He said fiercely: "Just wait for me!" After that, he took a few people and left.

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