Chapter 554 Trivia about the Emperor Star

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The spaceship was traveling quickly. It had taken more than ten days to travel here. Now it only took them two days to arrive at the Emperor Star. The first person Wan Xiangxiang found was Wan Penghui. Wan Penghui's Wan family is also considered a local snake. One, has a better understanding of the situation of the original star.

Wan Xiangxiang's spaceship was shielded by Wan Xiangxiang's mental power to avoid attracting others' attention.

Mu Qing complained: "There is no spiritual energy here. I feel uncomfortable all over. When will we go back?"

Wan Liangxiang said: "It's really uncomfortable. Let's finish things early and go back early."

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing sneaked into the Wan family quietly and appeared in Wan Penghui's study.

Wan Penghui was initially startled by the sudden appearance of the person, but when he saw Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing, he was even less shocked.

Wan Penghui said warily: "Who are you!"

Mu Qing felt that Wan Penghui was really old and confused, so he replied: "I am Mu Qing, and he is Wan Xiang. How many years have we not seen each other? You can't forget it so quickly, can you?"

Mu Qing was a little confused and asked, "Have you been penetrated by someone?"

Wan Penghui didn't quite believe what he said so far, and mocked: "Who doesn't know that Wan Xiang and Mu Qing have gone to other star regions, and you don't know how to inquire when you pretend to be them?"

Wan Xiangxiang's mouth twitched, feeling that the two of them were regarded as liars.

Wan Xiangxiang explained: "Uncle Wan, it is indeed Mu Qing and I. We did not bring Wan Li and Wan Hong with us this time, but if you are interested, you can come back with us to see them later."

Wan Xiangxiang plans to build a transmission channel between the two star fields, so that they can easily travel between the two star fields.

However, considering the current situation of the original star field, that is a very difficult thing to accomplish. There is no spiritual energy in this star field. Transmitting spiritual patterns requires a large amount of spiritual energy to be activated. You can also use spiritual crystals, but using spiritual crystals is absolutely impossible. Xiangxiang felt it was a bit too wasteful.

Wan Penghui still didn't quite believe in the identity of the two people.

Wan Xiangxiang directly used his mighty power to crush Wan Penghui: "I'm sorry, Uncle Wan."

Wan Xiangxiang's move convinced Wan Penghui.

Except for those who went out, no one in the Original Stone Star Territory could achieve this level.

After Wan Penghui confirmed their identities, he asked, "Why are you back?"

Wan Xiangxiang explained their plan to introduce spiritual energy and frame space channels here.

Wan Liangxiang said: "These things still need to be discussed with those saint-level superpowers."

There is no aura in this star field. People with superpowers can control the field after they have practiced to a certain level. However, there is also a drawback. Aura is more difficult to control than energy, which may cause some superpowers who originally controlled the field to lose the ability to control the field. .

If he had rashly planted the spirit-calling wood, it might cause some unnecessary panic, but Wan Xiangxiang didn't know the current situation on the original star, so he thought of coming over to ask about the situation.

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