Chapter 421: Join the blacklist?

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Wan Xiangxiang tried to capture it very quickly. If his mental power failed, he used his mental power to wrap around the 'sand'!

However, these 'grains of sand' and his mental power were like magnets with the same pole. As soon as the mental force comes close, the 'sand' will be repelled by the magnetic field around the mental force!

Wanxiangling’s mental movements are captured extremely quickly! After catching for + minutes, I only caught four!

There are estimated to be more than 5,000 grains of 'sand' here! If he were to refine it at this speed, he would have to refine it to the age of the monkey to complete this task!

Wan Xiangxiang's eyes turned black! Inwardly roaring: Don't stop me! I just want to die immediately!

It doesn't matter if you have time to study it, but it must be based on money and leisure!

He remembers all the time that he is a poor man now!

Wan Xiangxiang had no choice but to dive into a new round of research.

After playing a series of chasing and chasing games with 'Sand' for three hours, Wan Xiangxiang suddenly discovered a wonderful use of mental power from this playful game!

The relationship between mental power and these grains of sand actually seems to be like repelling each other! This repulsion disappeared when he used his spiritual power to disguise his mental power into another form.

Wan Xiangxiang adjusts the magnetic field relationship of spiritual power over and over again.

Suddenly, the grains of sand in the crystal trembled slightly, and moved towards the direction of his spiritual power. Thousands of sounds of joy!


The next second, those 'sand grains' near his mental power were quickly absorbed by his mental power and stuck firmly to his mental power! Now there's no need to even capture it! Fishing is never this exciting!

After mastering the trick, it only took Wan Liangxiang five minutes to easily absorb all the 'sand' in the crystal to his mental power.

Wan Xiangxiang drew out his mental power and brought out strings of 'sand'.

He originally wanted to treat these 'sand grains' as impurities, but thinking of their special features, he found a bottle to put these 'sand grains' in for future research.

Wanxiangxiang tested the material and found that the purity was 98!

Wan Xiangxiang: If I accidentally failed to control it properly, all the 'sand' was absorbed, and the purity would naturally be high. , "It seems like you used too much force!" Wan Xiangxiang touched his chin!

Wan Xiangxiang submitted the task!

In the end, the task was completed within four hours. Compared with the previous tasks, this was considered a profit.

I made more than two million yuan in mid-grade spiritual crystals in one day! It seems that it is still a little far away from the goal!

But if you can make a little more every day than you did yesterday, 6+ billion low-grade spiritual crystals are equivalent to 60 million mid-grade spiritual crystals! It doesn’t seem to be particularly difficult to do...

Ying Fanyun held Lu Jing in his hand, feeling very excited.

I really hooked up with a great master of weapon refining!

"Hahahaha..." Ying Fanyun couldn't stop laughing! Yingjia! What does the Ying family mean? When his strength reaches the level of Qi Refining Grand Master, a small family like the Ying family will only be trampled under his feet.

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