Chapter 541 The nameless small galaxy

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Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing came to the edge of the Thousand Birds Star Territory, which was an unnamed area where planet meteorites were densely packed.

Yuanyuan and Fangfang controlled the spacecraft and avoided the flying meteorites.

Wan Xiangxiang said: "This is it."

The meteorites in front of them moved, some collided together, and the friction exploded into smaller meteorite fragments.

Wan Xiang and Mu Qing walked around here. There are a total of eighty-nine planets in this small galaxy. These planets are all uninhabited and desolate stars. Two of them have life forms, and the rest are barren.

There are countless meteorites, and those eighty-nine planets will occasionally be hit by some planets.

This small galaxy is very scattered, and all the stars move according to certain rules, and they seem to be moving very randomly. Only then did Wan Xiangxiang discover that there were some deviations between the movements of the stars here and the calculations on the star field map.

He made some calculations based on comparison, and then saw the meteorite that hit the planet, and made some guesses about it.

There are some stars here that should have slightly deviated from their original orbits after being hit by meteorites, which is why such a big difference appears.

Thinking of this, Wan Liangxiang frowned.

Mu Qing asked: "Is there any problem?"

Wan Xiangxiang said: "The orbit of the planet here is not stable, and there are many big uncertainties. If you settle here, there may be a lot of trouble."

Mu Qing said: "Then do we still want to release the planet here?"

Wan Xiang rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Let me think about it again."

"Let's go take a look first."

In fact, he has basically figured out what the situation is here, but he still plans to go to the center of the galaxy to have a look.

The center here is a large sphere. Although this planet is very large, as the main planet of the entire galaxy, it is indeed a lifeless planet.

Wan Xiangxiang and Mu Qing checked around the planet. Wan Xiangxiang said: "This planet is quite stable." After all, as the main planet, it should be more stable than other planets.

The vicinity of this big planet is unexpectedly empty. There are indeed many meteorites in the outer layer, but when surrounded by layers of meteorites and planets, it is much safer inside.

Mu Qing said whimsically: "It would be great if we could move this planet and put our planet here. It will definitely not be easy for people from outside to come in."

It's really not easy to get in. The meteorite belt outside is the first natural barrier.

A planet without life forms is a planet without an original heart.

After listening to Mu Qing's words, Wan Xiangxiang also said a set of shocking words: "How about we blast this planet into ashes and then release our planet?"

Mu Qing was a little excited and said, "Is it okay?!"

Wan Xiangxiang looked at Mu Qing's excited look, twitched his lips and said, "Of course not!"

Mu Qing chuckled and said, "You really know how to joke! You can definitely do it!"

How could it not be possible? Mu Qing felt that Wan Xiangxiang was telling nonsense again to fool him.

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