Chapter 451 Green Material Stone

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Ten days before the start of the competition, Mu Qing received news that he was about to set off.

A group of six people, including a robot, went to the Agricultural Association to gather, and followed the large army of the Agricultural Association to Hengguangcheng.

The president saw Mu Qing and greeted, "Are you here? How many people are here this time?"

Mu Qing said: "Not too many, just six people."

The president secretly said, six people are not many! This part-time job is like going on a trip!

I have to say that the president's guessing ability is still very strong, but the president doesn't pay much attention to Mu Qing bringing his friends. Anyway, the position is enough. Everyone got on the flying spiritual weapon and drove directly to Hengguang City!

After two days, we successfully reached our destination.

The space on the spaceship is still very large. The only thing that makes Mu Qing feel uncomfortable is that it is too slow!

There was no way, the energy of this star field was quite special after all, and there were still many differences from the original star field. When everyone got off the spaceship, they saw the destination of this time, Eternal Light City.

Just like what was said in the introduction, Eternal Light City has plenty of light and the spiritual plants grow very luxuriantly. Otherwise, it would not have been chosen as the competition venue.

"This city is the most suitable for spiritual plants to grow. Unfortunately, the land here is too expensive. I can't afford such a piece of land even if I sell myself!" the president introduced to everyone.

Mu Qing nodded, it felt like a normal place.

Wan Xiangxiang feels that this place is much inferior to the Mu Clan's clan, but it is the Mu Clan's clan after all, and it is normal for the natural landscape to be more spectacular.

The president introduced this while leading people into the hotel.

Wan Xiangxiang and others are traveling at their own expense! Except for Mu Qing, everyone’s consumption must be counted as their own!

As a judge, Mu Qing had to stay in a specified hotel, so Wan Xiangxiang took advantage of the situation and stayed in this hotel!

There is still some time before the game starts, so the accommodation is not very compact.

Hengguang City was quite lively, so after settling everything in place, a group of people planned to go out for a walk.

Wanli looked at Kong Chen who was holding a flowerpot and said, "I have grown a lot! Now I am so diligent that I even have to carry a piece of grass with me when I go shopping!"

Kong Chen said: "A person like you who can grow first- and second-level spiritual plants won't understand. This is a symbol of my strength!" Wanli: "..."

Wan Li said: "I just got promoted and haven't started planting yet! I will plant a level five spiritual plant when I find time! It will definitely grow better than yours!"

Kong Chen didn’t want to hear about these things! He concentrated on taking care of his spiritual plant.

Although Kong Yongwang was under house arrest, Kong Chen was still fine. He had a lot of spiritual crystals on his body, so it would be good to buy anything.

A few people were walking in a street selling various items. Mu Qing couldn't control his hands and bought a bunch of small things.

Now that they have made money, Mu Qing has no idea about moderation.

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